Hatchet Timeline - Camacho

  • The Secret

    This is when Brian rode past a man and his mom kissing in a car.
  • Pilot dies

    Pilot dies
    The plane pilot has a heart attack and dies
  • Plane Crash

    Brian was in the plane all by himself because the pilot is dead. Brian trys to think to land it now or wait for the gas to run out. The gas runs out Brian pukes and then he points the nose of the plane down and he crashes it in a lake.
  • The Porcupine

    Porcupine comes into brians shelter
  • The Bear

    Brian looks face to face with a bear
  • THe feast day

    He eats
  • Fire

    Brian starts a fire
  • The wolf

    Brian sees a wolf and doesnt know if itll come after him or not
  • Fool bird

    When he killed the bird.
  • Missed plane

    A plane flys over brian but doesnt find him
  • the cutting

    When brian missed the plane
  • The Moose

    Moose attacked Brian
  • The rescue

    Brian is finally found