
  • Period: Oct 14, 1000 to


  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    if the battle of hasting never happened then we america would probably would not have existed or if we did we would be different then we are now
  • Mar 23, 1215

    king John signs the magna carta

  • England establishes colonies that become the USA

  • Britain dominates parts of china

  • Britain takes control of India

  • Britain controls large parts of Africa

  • Britain helps win world war I

  • Britain helps win world war II

    Britain helps win world war II
    the war world would be different without them helping because then Hitler would not have to stop and try to deal with them and his troops would be more fresh and able to push through and might take most if not all of the east
  • Britain helps win the cold war war

    Britain helps win the cold war war
  • Britain helps win the first gulf war

    Britain helps win the first gulf war