Hasting (Harold vs William)

  • 1991 BCE

    Britain helps win the first Gulf War

    The world might be different if England was not involved in the Gulf war because we were apart of action to help Kuwait from Iraq. If we did not act upon and help Kuwait they would have no freedom and we would not have helped win the war.
  • 1989 BCE

    Britain helps win the Cold War

    Britain helps win the Cold War
  • 1945 BCE

    Britain helps win World war 2

    Britain helps win World war 2
  • 1918 BCE

    Britain helps win World War 1

    If Britain was not involved in World War 1 our democracy would not be the a "democracy" also and the victory would not have lead to the second world war.
  • 1914 BCE

    Britain controls large sections of Africa

  • 1858 BCE

    Britain takes control of India

    Britain takes control of India
  • 1842 BCE

    Britain dominates parts of China

    The world would be different if we did not dominate China because China would not be civil with the USA today and we would also not have trade.
  • 1607 BCE

    England establishes colonies that become the USA

  • 1215 BCE

    King John signs the Magna Carta

    King John signs the Magna Carta
  • 1066 BCE

    Battle of Hastings

    The world would be different if we did not have the battle of hasting william would not be the king of england