The great depresion
All the stock markets crashed and it was a time of economic depression and hurt the industrial world. The great depression hit Germany USA and great Britain pretty harshly. People lost their jobs and could not provide for their family. This occured between 1929-1939 -
Vladimir Lenin dies
The German chamber of deputies accepts the Dawes plan
The Locarno pacts are signed
The Samuel commission in England releases its report on coal mining
Spainish monarchy is overthrown and the republican party
A government is built to have Spain from monarchy to becoming republican. This was important in this time because it gives the people a chance to have a say being a republican country. -
Hitlers appointed Chancellor of Germany
This was a time of change for Germany and the world because Hitler wanted to to make Germany a powerful and unified country. he was bringing many changes to the country and little did the people know it would not be for the better. -
The Spanish nationalists began the Spanish civil war
This was a military revolt against the Republican party, And army leaders favoring Fascist-style government joined General Francisco Franco in a revolt. This civil war went on for 3 years -
Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica
The bombing was a aerial bombing. The bomb hit Basque town in Germany and it hit a specific piece of anti war painting of Picasso. This event was not major but significance but it is showing they are not afraid to bomb things with a important meaning behind them. -
The Spanish civil war ends
This was a event that revolted against the republican government. This war was fought between democrats and republicans. Their were about 500,000 deaths