After 3 years of marriage, my parents decided to have baby and then I was conceived -
Growing Embryo
My mother had a smooth pregnancy with no unusual complications, she tried to avoid any teratogens that could harm me, and abstained from drinking/smoking to ensure that she would have a healthy child. -
Born February 12 1997, 5:20 pm in Alexandria, Egypt
Weight: 3.300 kgs
Length: 52 cms -
Period: to
Trust vs. Mistrust
Erikson's 1st Stage: This is the stage where babies learn who they can trust depending on what the world provides for their needs. It is what you base the trust you have later on in your life on. -
Period: to
Sensorimotor Stage
Jean Piaget's First Stage: We start to experience the world through our senses and figure it out, this is when we start to develop our first cognitive schemata that explains the way we perceive the world. -
Period: to
Kohlberg's 1st Stage of Moral Development: This is the stage where my decisions will be based on how I can avoid punishment and it is also when I start to develop morals. -
Sucking Reflex
This was during my motor/sensory development, the sucking reflex is sucking on an object when placed into a baby's mouth. In this phase I they used to give me a pacifier and I would instantly suck on it. -
Attatchment to Parents
This attatchment to parents is because they satisfied any needs I wanted as a child, so I would give them my full trust and develop emotional attatchments to them. They set that high standard of trust for me, so I grew up expecting that I should be so trusting because I was not harmed. -
First Smile
I first started to smile when I saw my parents, so this would fall under the sensorimotor stage, which is exploring the world through my senses, because as my caregivers I started to develop emotional attatchments to them, so with my sight I see the which makes me happy so I smile. -
Oral Stage
In this stage babies seek pleasure through their mouth, when i was at this stage I used to suck on these toy keychains. Freud believed that people fixated at this stage might overeat, smoke and in general have childlike dependence on things and people. -
First started walking
This is when my motor development took place, and I was finally able to walk after i had fully developed all my muscles and bones required for walking. -
Started to say no
At this phase I had learned the word no, and I was really sensitive whenever it was said to me, I would feel like a person is taking control over me in a way. So I started to use the word excessively in order to give myself this sense of control over myself, and others. -
Youssef's Birth
A year and a half after I was born, my mother gave birth to my brother Youssef. I think this is when I would start to develop egocentric traits, to try to keep the attention on me and not have to share it with my brother. But eventually I understood that my parents' attention to my brother was due to his age and that they love me as much as they love him. -
Anal Stage
In this stage I was learning toilet traning skills, which is one of Freud's psychosexual stage. -
Period: to
Anatomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Erikson 2nd Stage: In this stage toddler begin to exert their bodies, and they begin to gain this control over it. A popular word during this stage would be "no" which is them trying to control themselves and the people aroudn thim. -
Period: to
Preoperational Stage
Jean Piaget's 2nd Stage: this stage is th most important for my cognitive development, it is when I first start to develop language and start to speak. I form schemas during this stage but my mental operations are limited. Also it is when I can only see the world from my perspective which is egocentrism. Ages 2-7 -
Period: to
Initiative vs. Guilt
Erikson's 3rd Stage: At this stage we start to develop curiostity to our surroundings, so we want to understand the world. But this can affect us in two ways, if you are encouraged to question, then you will feel comfortavle inquiring about things throughout your life, but if you are scolded for being inquisitive, you will feel guilty about asking and will avoid doing so in the future. -
First time Speaking full sentences
This is during the preoperational stage, where I start to develop language, at this time of my life I could form sentences and try to talk to people around me. -
First Day of School
The first day of school was when I really got to have that first social exposure, and how I react to people when I am without my parents. I did not feel any stranger anxiety, nor did I fuss about my parents leaving, I was very calm and started to socialize from the moment I went in. -
Met my first best friend
The first time to build a strong bond of intimacy with someone who is not related to me, having all the trust and confidence in them; forming attatchments. -
First Violin Class
My first violin class is what got me so interested in music, after that I continued to play the violin and along the way I picked up other instruments and started to create my own music. Music is currently a big part of my life and who I am. -
First time to experience fear and adrenaline
When I was in the 1st Grade, my brother and I were coming back home from school, when a crazy man in our building stopped us at the enterance pointing a gun at us. As a 6-year-old I didn't have much experience with fear, I was frozen in my place, but this adrenaline came over me so I pushed my brother behind me trying to protect him, until my mom ran down and attacked the man. -
Period: to
Concrete Operational Stage
Jean Piaget: At this stage I began to access my schemas, and preform some mental operations, but still limited in my experiences. -
Formal Education
When I first got to formal education where they started to actually evaluate my work, I went through this stage. I expected to excel and do as good as my peers and if I lacked that sense or felt less I would be anxious about my preformance and contemplate my future in a bad way. -
Period: to
Industry vs. Inferiority
Erik Erikson's 4th Stage: This stage usually takes palce when we enter our formal eductaion; where we are first evaluated about our work, and we have these expectations to excel and do as good as our peers, and if we dont we start to feel anxious about our preformances. -
Period: to
Kohlberg's 2nd Stage of Moral Development: At this point I can understand other people's moral perceptions and their beliefs, which will bring about this idea of how people view me becuase of my morals; but I will mainly stay true to what I already believe in. -
First Time Travelling Alone
When I was 10, I went to England for 2 weeks by myself, It was the first time I was away from my family for an extended period of time. This was probably when I fitst started the concrete-operation stage where I began to think more logically about things and fully understand what is going on around me. -
Period: to
Formal Operational Stage
Jean Piaget's Last Stage: This stage starts from the age 12 and lasts into adulthood, which is the time where I am able to use schemas, understand operationns, and apply both theoretical question not based on experience as an adolescent. -
Period: to
Last Stage of Kohlberg's Moral Development: This is when I'll fully develop moral reasoning, I will be balancing out laws and my personal beliefs and principles. -
Age of menarche*
At the age of 12 I started going through puberty, and that took a toll on me by chnaging my mental, emotional and physical attributes over time. -
Move to Saudi Arabia
This was the first move in my life, which at that time was devestating because I left all my family and friends, and the first move to Saudi is just very overwhelming. I ended up living here for a year but then I moved back home. But that year gained me a new perspective on people and different cultures, which was probably my accommodation phase as I tried to fit all the new experiences into my schema. -
Period: to
Identity Vs. Role Confusion
Erik Erikson's 5th Stage: This stage mainly takes place during adolescence where we really try to find who we are and what we are about, so in the beginning we start to try different roles and try to fit into groups which eventually makes us grow out into our own identities or an idea of self-concept. -
Second Move to Saudi Arabia
This time I had been acquainted with a lot of people from Jeddah, so I did not mind the move as much. This time it was easier to adapt, and I formed a sort of assimilation. -
Formation of Identity and Self-Concept
This is the time where I truly started forming this idea of myself and who I am and finding what I believe in, it started out with the Identity vs. role confusion where I would try to fit into groups and from that I started to grow out of these groups and develop my own identity, and I am continuing to grow everyday. -
Period: to
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Erik Erikson's 6th Stage: This is the stage where young adults start to form stable identities and are trying to figure out how to balance their relationships and work. Also differentiating between different relationships. -
Beginning of Critical Period*
This is when I realized that I had been going through my critical period and I started developing a lot of emotions and sensitivity towards certain stimuli in my environment and my experiences. -
Intimacy vs. Isolation
This is when I had more of an idea of who I am, and started figuring ot friendships, relationship and balancing social life with work life and the difference between relationships. -
Social Clock* Ticking
At this point of my life I am beginning to form age-graded expectations and planning out how my I imagine my life to be and what I expect to do. -
Start a spiritual journey
Right after I graduate I would like to go on a spiritual trip to different places to get more in touch with my spiritual side and have more of an idea of who I am and figure my life out more. This would be sort of a building of identity thing. -
After graduating from AISJ, I get accepted to a good school where I will study Sociocultural Anthropology and Psychology. And by this time I will have moved out, so this would be the beginning of my independence and further maturity. -
Period: to
Generativity vs. Stagnation
This is the stage where we start to look and plan our life path. We try to gain control of what our lives will be like and try to shape it in a way. -
Graduate from College
I will be graduating from college and starting to move onto career choices. -
Start my Anthropology Career
By this time I will be an anthropologist going around the world studying different cultures, societies and all their attributes. -
Writes first book
After 3 years of my career, I would like to write a book with my findings, comparing different cultures, and talking about social situations from each culture's point of view. -
Adopt a Child
I adopt a child in my late 20's so I can help a child in need, and so I can also gain a new chapter in my life which would be motherhood, and I would begin to become an Authoritative parent. it is a type of Generativity vs. Stagnation stage because I want to move on with my life and create a new path, and start a family. -
Period: to
Get my Bachelor's, Masters, Specialist and PHD Degree
At this time I would like to study to get all my degrees, so I could further my career and go onto the next chapter of my life. -
Become a Professor
After a long hands on career, I will retire to become a professor at a prestigious school, where I can share my experience with future anthropologists. -
At this time I will go through menopause, which will be a hard adjustment as I am trying to accomodate all these new changes my body will go through and I will go through different moods and eventually I will adjust and be fine with it. -
Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease
I am diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, which is a form of dementia that causes memory loss. I feel vulnerable and I hide the diagnosis from all my family and friends because I feel like it wouldn't make a difference whether they knew or not. -
Last Anthropology Trip
There is a civilization discovered ontop of these isolated mountains, so I go on my last trip to examine this culture and see how they've lived all these years without outside contact. While I'm there my alzheimer's gets worse, and I forgot who I am. So the tribe takes me in as one of their own. -
Period: to
Integrity vs. Despair
Erikson's Final Stage: This is the stage where I will be looking back at my life and my accomplishments and I will either feel regret or satisfaction. If I am content with my life choices, I will go into wisdom and lose all stress and pressures of society. But if I regret them, I will fall into despair over lost oppurtinities. -
After living in the tribe for 20 years, I finally became at peace with myself and found true happiness after losing recollection of my past. And I died a peaceful death at the age of 72.