1848 revolution

Revolutions/Unifications Timeline by Manuel Pena

  • Romanticism

    At the end of the 18th century Enlightenment ideas gave way to romanticism: reflected deep interest both in nature and in the thoughts of feelings of an individual. Many turned from reason to emotion, from society to nature and rejected the middle class system as nationalism pumped life into this movement. Emotion was a key element but this went beyond feelings and had beliefs like emphasized inner feelings and emotions, focused on the mysterious and supernatural and cherished folk traditions.
  • Romanticism (cont.)

    Romanticism (cont.)
    Poetry, music and painting were forms that expressed emotion but the most popular was poetry like famous poets honoring nature and beauty. Gothic horror became very popular filled with fearful, violent or supernatural events. One of the earliest were Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". Emotion dominated music. Composers celebrated heroism and national pride through their music like Beethoven and other composers used different styles to express emotion in many different ways.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The French colony called Saint Dominique was the first Latin American territory to free itself from European rule. The colony is now known as Haiti. Slaves worked on plants being treated wrongfully by their masters. During the French Revolution the people stood up to their maters. Toussaint L' Overture became a well known leader during the revolution and had freed the slaves. However after he was taken out of power his lieutenant Jean-Jacques Dessalines took over and made the colony independent.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Boliviar)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Boliviar)
    Simon Boliviar's native Venezuela declared independence from Spain in 1811 but his army had suffered defeat. Finally, in August 1819 he led over 2,000 soldiers on a march through the Andes in what is now Colombia and took the Spanish army there by a surprise in a flawless victory. By 1821 he won Venezuela's independence and marched south into Ecuador and then met San Martin becoming friends and working together for the revolution.
  • Mexican War of Independence

    Mexican War of Independence
    In 1810, a priest named Miguel Hidalgo in the small village of Dolores was a poor but educated man and believed in Enlightenment ideas. On September 16 he called for a rebellion against the Spanish the day known as "The Cry of Dolores". The next day his Indian and began a march and made army, they were defeated. Another leader Jose Maria Morelos who led the revolution for four years but was defeated by Augustin. Eventually, everyone was against the Spanish and Augustin proclaimed independence.
  • Brazilian Independence

    Brazilian Independence
    In 1807, Napoleon's army invaded Spain and Portugal by closing its ports to British shipping. Prince John fled in fear of being captured and boarded his family a ship to their largest colony, Brazil. They stayed for 14 years until returning 6 years later. Dom Pedro King John's song stayed because he was planning to make Brazil a colony again. The people did not want this so in 1822 creoles demanded independence with a petition and the king agreed with no bloodshed or revolution at all on Sep 7.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin)
    San Martin's Argentina had already declared independence in 1816 but Spanish forces in Chile and Peru remained a threat and so he embarked in an adventure of crossing the Andes to Chile. There he was joined by Bernardo O'Higgins forces to free Chile. In 1821 he planned to drive more forces by talking with Boliviar later in 1822. There, he left San Martin his army to command and resulted in a victory at the Battle of Ayachucho (Peru) as the colonies won independence united in Gran Colombia.
  • Greek Revolution

    Greek Revolution
    Greece had been part of the Ottoman Empire but inspired by the nationalist movement they rebelled against them and demanded independence. The most powerful European governments opposed revolution but other countries like Russia ruled by Muslim Orthodox felt a strong connection to Greek culture especially the Americans. So because of popular support a British, French and Russian force joined Greek and in 1827 defeated the Ottoman fleet signing a treaty granting a kingdom to Greece in 1830.
  • German Unification (cont.)

    German Unification (cont.)
    Prussia controlled Schleswig and Austria controlled Holstein. Bismarck stirred up war with Prussia in 1866 with Austria and results in a Prussian victory controlling northern Germany. By 1867, a few southern German states were still independent and most were Catholics. Bismarck created false rumors about France in which Prussia believed starting the Franco-Prussian War ending in French surrender making it the last step of unification. The new German empire was called "The Second Reich".
  • German Unification (cont.)

    German Unification (cont.)
    He saw the refusal as a major challenge and supported by the Junkers who were strongly conservative members of Prussia's wealthy landowning class. In 1862, he chose Otto von Bismarck as his prime minister and later Bismarck would take down the parliament and enforce his own laws as a realpolitik "politics with no idealism." He was molding an empire with the help of Prussia and Austria by taking over Denmark and got two provinces: Schelswig and Holstein. This gained new respect and unity.
  • German Unification

    German Unification
    In 1815, 39 German states formed the German Confederation and the Austrian Empire controlled it. Prussia was ready to unify all the states. They had several advantages mostly their population being German bringing nationalism. It's army being the most powerful and in 1848 Berlin rioters forced a constitutional convention to write up a liberal constitution paving the way for unification. In 1861, Willhelm I took over after Frederick and the liberal parliament refused to give him money.
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    Italian nationalists looked for leadership from the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia the largest and most powerful of Italian states. It had adopted a liberal constitution in 1848 so the liberal Italian middle classes under unification seemed like a good plan. In 1852, Sardinia's king Victor Emmanuel II named Count Camillo di Cavour as his prime minister. He used diplomacy and well-chosen alliances to gain control of northern Italy to Sardinia. In 1858, Napoleon III agreed to kick Austria out there.
  • Italian Unification (cont.)

    Italian Unification (cont.)
    He drove out Austrians in northern Italy territory which provoked a war but Sardinia eventually claimed all of Northern Italy except Venetia. Cavour secretly started helping nationalist rebels in southern Italy. In May 1860, a small army of Italian nationalists led by Giuseppe Garibaldi captured Sicily in battle. He agreed to unite the southern areas conquered and let the Sardinian king rule. Then. Venetia became part of Italy and in 1870 they took over the Papal States with Rome united.