Aug 1, 1498
Cristopher Columbus
Columbus entered the Gulf of Paria in Venezuela and planted the Spanish flag in South America -
Jan 7, 1532
Fransisco Pizarro
Spanish Conquistadores led by Francisco Pizarro arrived in the 1500's intent on finding treasure and conquering this rich land. Over matched by superior weapons and military tactics, the indigenous sovereignty enjoyed by the Incas was lost, but their traditions live on. -
Haiti belongs to France
The Treaty of Ryswick: Spain recognizes France’s presence on Hispaniola and cedes the western third of the island. -
St. Domingue was France's richest colony, rich from the sweat of slave labor's brow. -
Lexington VS Concord
Conflicts between British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord started the armed conflict, and by the next summer, the rebels started the war for their independence. -
Jose de San Martin is born. -
No Respect for Creloes
In the Court of Caracas, no native Venezuelans were appointed from 1786 to 1810: during that time, ten Spaniards and four creoles from other areas served. This irritated the influential creoles who correctly felt that they were being ignored. -
King Charles's III from Spain Death
With a weak ruler and the Spanish military tied up, making its presence at the New World decreased making the creoles feel more ignored than ever. -
Period: to
Simon Bolivar
He was a revolutionary who freed six countries in Latin America, and he was an intellectual who argued the problems of national liberation, a general who fought a war of unremitting violence. -
American Independence
A group formed of craftsmen and salesmen decided to fight back, the crowd knew that a pile of poweder was stocked in the Bastille, a prison that was a symbol of the King's absolute power, so they decided to attack it. -
Storming of the Bastille
a group formed of craftsmen and salesmen decided to fight back, the crowd knew that a pile of powder was stocked in the Bastille, a prison that was a symbol of the King's absolute power. So they decided to attack it. -
Equal Rights
The General Assembly in Paris said "all the propretors... ought to be active citizens". Whcih excluded the Petit Blancs because most of them did not own property, this caused anger agaisnt the free persons of color. -
Army Entry
The young Jose enters the army -
Voodoo Ceremony
The Haitian Revolution began with the Bois Caïman ceremony, a popular voodoo ceremony. Slaves met in the forest to create plans to burn down plantations and start a rebellion. -
Some slaves began setting fire to an estate and eventually told white masters about the plan to rebel and the people leading it. -
Haitian Revolution
Thousands of slaves in the northern province stared a rebellion, and within a year, they controlled over a third of the island. -
Period: to
Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution, was a successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection that took place in the former French colony of Saint Domingue that lasted from 1791 until 1804. -
Plantation to Plantation
The slaves marrch to the Limbé district, adding to their forces. The group moves from plantation to plantation, gaining control and establishing military camps. -
The slave forces reach nearly 15,000. Slaves join because they “had deserted their plantations, by will or by force" -
The Colonial Assembly at Saint Marc grants citizenship to mulattoes and free blacks. White planters object violently and tensions in the colony rise. -
Reign of Terror
With civil war spreading all over France, the Revolutionary government decided to make “terror” and to take harsh measures against those who were enemies of the Revolution. -
Coup D’état
The coup d’état that Napoleon made marks the end of the French Revolution and the beginning of Napoleon Bonaparte's dictatorship. -
Count Alessandro Volta invents the battery. -
Dessalines declared the nation independent and renamed it Haiti. France became the first nation to recognize its independence. -
Emperor Jacques
Just short of three years after independence, Emperor Jacques I was assassinated as he marched. -
Alexander Petion
Petion was elected president of the Republic of Haiti, and there were two Haitis. -
Napoleon Invades Spain
Napoleon was tired of how Charles IV was governing Spain so he decieded to invide not only Spain but Portugal as well. He replaced Charles with his brother. -
Loyalty to Spain
Latin American countries said that they were loyal to Spain. Not loyal to Napoleon controlling Spain. -
Henry I
Henry Christophe had himself crowned King Henry I and changed the name of his "country" to the Kingdom of Haiti. Unlike Dessalines, he created a large batch of nobles and organized his kingdom more along the lines of European monarchies. -
Invasion of Venezuela
Simon Bolivar and his followers invaded Venezuela, the start of Bolivar's admirable campaign -
Period: to
Jose de San Martin
José de San Martín was an Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern part of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire -
Plans Approved
After many years of waiting, Jose de San Martin gets his plan to cross into Chile over the Andes Mountains approved by President Juan Martin de Pueyrredon. -
The bicycle was invented by a German man named Baron Karl von Drais in the year 1817. -
Accross Andes
Jose de San Martin and his army set off to Chile. They are crossing the Andes Mountains. San Martin told false information to some double crossing Natve Americans. When the Army of the North was actually crossing the mountains, the Spanish would be much more south than they were. -
Republic of Columbia
Bolivar liberated the original republic of Columbia and was the first freed from the Spanish. Bolivar was later named president of the republic of Colombia -
Jose de San Martin leaves for Peru
Jose de San Martin leaves for Peru in hope to liberate it. His plan is to make the citizens decide that they want independence, so he brings a printing press and bombards the citizens with pro-independence ideas. -
Jose de San Martin enters Lima
After Jose de San Martin captured the two Peruvian cities, viceroy La Serna moved the Spanish army to Collao, basically abandoning the city of Lima to Jose de San Mrtin. The citizens, who were more afraid of a slave uprising, invited him and his army into the city of Lima. -
Peru declares Independence
Peru officially declares independence. Jose de San Martin is named "Protector of Peru" and during his short rule, he puts an end to a lot of horrible things. He did resign eventually. -
Liberate Peru
Bolivar meets with Jose de San Martin in Guayaquil to talk about a strategy to liberate Peru. Bolivar took command of the operation. -
9,000 men
Simon Bolivar and Sucre lead 9,000 men to fight the Spanish in the battle of Junín. Sucre takes action against the retreating Spaniards, while Bolivar must return to Lima to establish a government -
Republic of Bolivia
Simon Bolivar makes the Republic of Bolivia. -
Portugal recognizes the independence of Brazil. -
Peru invades Bolivia and Colombia declares war on Peru. -
Mexico abolishes slavery. -
Ecuador annexes the Galapagos Islands -
British Honduras
Britain occupies the coast of Honduras. -
King of Peru
Jose retired and returned from Peru, he was named King of Peru -
Light Bulb
Edison filed his first patent application for "Improvement In Electric Lights". -
Chile VS Bolivia & Peru
A war was fought by Chile against Bolivia and Peru. It was a result of a territorial dispute over the rich nitrate deposits. -
The First Electrical Power Plant
Thomas Edison opened the nation's first electrical power plant. -
The Steamboat
John Fitch made the first trial(that worked)of a steamboat on the Delaware River. -
Slavery in Brazil
Slavery in Brazil was abolished on Brazil became a republic a year later. -
Brazil became a republic. They removed themselves from the monarchy system mainly because of the poor leadership by their emperors. -
Manuel Deodoro
After Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca established a republic in order to separate the powers of the church and state, he created a new constitution to combine elements of federal, democratic and republic forms of government.