Haitian and American Revolution Timeline

  • American Revolution

    The American Revolution began in 1776.
  • Period: to

    All revolutions

    French + American and everything else covered in this timeline.
  • French Military

    Several hundreds of free men of African decent joined the French military and fought at the siege of Savannah.
  • United States Revolution

    The United States achieved independence from Britain.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    This revolution lasted from 1789-1799
  • Period: to

    First Stage of Haitian Revolution

    Free POC began to fight for political rights.
  • Haitian Revolution

    The enslaved had an uprising and began standing up for themselves.
  • A revolt

    Thousands of enslaved people in the North side of Haiti led a revolt against the plantation system.
  • The beginning of dissolving slavery

    The first abolition in Haiti.
  • No slaves!

    By this time, there were no slaves in Saint-Domingue
  • Expanding to the French..

    Abolition of slavery throughout the French empire.
  • A change of policies

    Napoleon Bonaparte began to turn over the policies of emancipation that were made in 1794 and to go for Toussaint Louverture and the new leadership in Saint-Domingue.
  • Haitian Independence

    Haiti earned independence from France.
  • A whole new nation!

    Haiti became a new nation led by an ex-slave general: Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
  • Haitian Independence

    Haiti earned their independence.
  • France was the First

    France was the first to recognized Haiti's independence.
  • United States was the last...

    The United States was the last, but did eventually recognize Haiti as a nation and accepted their independence.