Hailey's Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • 1 CE

    Astronomy discovery

    Astronomy discovery
    During this period of time people were exploring and were trying experiments with the world that they were surrounded by. Astronomy is the study of the positioning of the bodies in outer space like the moon, the planets, and also the stars.
  • 1 CE

    Discovering Lenses

    Discovering Lenses
    Lenses was a very important discovery during the renaissance time, without the discovery of lenses, there would have never been microscopes nor eyeglasses along with many other things. One was to classify a lense was how it was able to bend light, which also helped with eyeglasses because overtime all sorts of people would need different perscription depending on what corrections were needed for the eyes.
  • 100

    Microscope Invention

    Microscope Invention
    A microscope is an amazing invention, it is known as an instrument that can magnify small objects that can't be seen with the naked eye. The microscope can enhance and make things larger once something is put under the lenses.
    McKenzie Pallischeck's invention smore
  • 221

    Mariners Compass Invention

    Mariners Compass Invention
    Mariners compass, this was an absolute excellent invention within this time period considering there were so many voyages and sailors going around to discover new places or go on trade routes. The mariners compass helped these voyagers be able to tell in what direction they were going, this helped with not getting off of the routes that would lead them to different places.
  • 1285

    Eyeglass Invention

    Eyeglass Invention
    Eyeglasses, first invented by Salvino D'Armate. The invention of eyeglasses were almost a delicacy, basically only the rich and noble people, but overtime, the printing press was invented and then there became books, that is when eyeglasses really came into use. After books became more popular eyeglasses weren't just for the rich and noble members anymore they were for anyone in society who needed them.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Patrons of the Arts

    Patrons of the Arts
    The Medici family, very much known for their money. The family was very much associated with the banking business. They had many offices that branched out to Italy and even Europe. There was the top known man of this time, the wealthiest European and his name was Cosimo de Medici.
  • Jan 3, 1300

    Selling Indulgences

    Selling Indulgences
    Indulgences were just simple pieces of paper that the community basically wasted their money on. But the people saw that the advantages of buying an indulgence was that they would go straight to heaven, you would not go to hell or end up going into purgatory but you would get through it faster.
    Martin Luther and Reformation power point
  • Jan 1, 1320

    The Divine Comedy

    The Divine Comedy
    A poem about your soul, and it's "journey to salvation." This poem is a thing where you have to use pictures in your mind, this takes you on a journey to hell, purgatory and then heaven.
  • Jan 1, 1330

    The Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church
    The Catholic church did not teach the ordinary right things that a casual or normal Catholic Church would teach to the community. The Church would sell the people of society indulgences and tell them that they were a "free" way out of hell. They Church convinced the people that by buying an indulgence they were free from all of their sins and would go straight to heaven.
  • Jan 1, 1334

    Pope Benedict XII

    Pope Benedict XII
    Pope Benedict the XII was first born in 1285, a monk. He was supposed to reform the papal court and all of the religion "orders"and to bring peace to the princes of Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1392

    The Canterbury Tales

    The Canterbury Tales
    This is a collection of various stories that are told by 29 pilgrims that are on their way to visit St. Thomas Beckett's tomb. Beckett was the chief bishop that was responsible for Canterbury and he was murdered by King Henry II's supporters/ followers after the argument with who had more power over the church.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Trade in the Renaissance/ Daily life

    Trade in the Renaissance/ Daily life
    Trade was a big part of the Renaissance, trade had done something to the combination of the goods so that they could travel from place to place to suit the need of all the other people, and also the number of people that trade had influenced was outrageous.
    From life during the renaissance note set
  • Jan 1, 1405

    The Book of the City of Ladies

    The Book of the City of Ladies
    This was a book over equal rights between men and women but it only covered a small portion of it. Basically the book argued that if women got the same education as men then women would be just as smart and educated and maybe even more successful.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press from the renaissance was a scientific discovery. The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press was a great discovery since every book or sheet of paper had to be hand written before that. It made it faster and it was more efficient, this also helped other scientists learn from others to try and discover new things.
  • Jan 1, 1490

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    Raphael was one of the more known renaissance artists, mostly all of his paintings were revolved around the image of the Virgin Mary. He had accomplished the idea of beauty, when nobody else was able to do that. Raphael also had painted frescoes on the walls of where the pope lived.
  • 1490

    Renaissance Artists

    Renaissance Artists
    Leonardo, this was the artist who was mainly known for how his paintings and work looked so realistic.Leonardo even dissected human bodies to get a better understanding of them. He really cared about realism, he had his own thought of a perfect form. People were so inspired by his paintings that he had set the new standards of what beauty was.
  • 1490

    Renaissance Artists

    Renaissance Artists
    Michelangelo, another exquisite artist. Michelangelo didn't just focus on the paintings, he also had a bit of experience in sculpting and architecture. The thing he was most noticed for were his frescoes that were in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Rome. Michelangelo's most famous water colored painting was gone by the name of "The Creation", this was the fresco he was the most known for. Michelangelo almost like Leonardo focused on the perfect person and reflected the god like beauty.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    Luther translates the bible

    Luther translates the bible
    After Martin Luther was excommunicated all of his work was burned. After everything was burned he was hidden away for about a year or so to where only certain people knew where he was. All that Luther was doing during that year was translating the new testament to German.
    Martin Luther Reformation & the film "Luther"
  • Oct 30, 1517

    Martin's 95 theses

    Martin's 95 theses
    Martain Luther was a man that for some reason had different beliefs from what the church was always teaching. There was an immediate uprising and the church had split. Some of Luther's followers had stayed by him and they reformed a new church.
    Martin Luther and Reformation powerpoint
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Excommunication from the Church

    Excommunication from the Church
    All of the trouble with Martin Luther began back in the month of October in 1517 when Luther wrote the 95 theses and sent all of them to the "Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg." The reason the pope was angry with Luther was because all the 95 theses were going against and protesting many of the churches practices.
  • St. Peters Basilica

    St. Peters Basilica
    St. Peters Basilica was a very very large building, it is the most famous roman catholic church in the world. There are many people that come from all over to see this church everyday, it is the most famous building in Vatican City, the buildings capacity is over the very large number of 60,000 people.
  • Daily Life of Clothing in the Renaissance

    Daily Life of Clothing in the Renaissance
    During this time period if you were rich or had power it would show by the clothes they wore. The more wealthy people would have numerous pieces of clothing that would have many colors and had many different materials with it. If you were a man with power you wore stockings with many colors with a shirt and a coat over the top. Women with power typically wore long dresses with a high waist with big sleeves and gold jewelry.
    Life during the renaissance powerpoin
  • Music and Dance

    Music and Dance
    In the churches they had choirs, which became very popular. Polyphony was the music style where the music had melodies from different people that were being sung at the same time. New instruments were also introduced in this time period they were called the Harpslchord, the Hurdy Gurdy, and the Lute. Traditional dances were also performed, a few of them are known as the Reverence, Saltarello, the Pavne, and the Italian double or Doppio.
    Life during the renaissance powerpoint.