Hagen's pd 7 religion quiz

  • Period: 1763 BCE to 1864 BCE

    Circassian War

    The Circassian War started because Russia wanted to get military power by having a border on the Black Sea. The Circassians were unhappy with the decision so the war started, occurring in Circassia, southwest of Russia and southeast of Ukraine. An important figure during the war was Tsar Nicholas I ( posed on the Russian side, he was a main person in the war and also was one of the people who initiated 911 ), around 1,500,000(97%)people were killed as a result of the war and the Circassians won.
  • Period: 1618 BCE to 1648 BCE

    30 years war

    This particular conflict began with fighting over religious power between the Catholics, Christians and Protestants. The important people in this conflict were Ferdinand II who started the war, wanting everyone to be a ( Catholic ) Christian, and Count Thurn, ( the leader of the protestant revolt. Fights during this time include: the Battle of Breithnfeld, the Sack of Magdeburg and the Battle of the White Mountain. The war ended when peace was negotiated between the religions,however no one won.
  • Period: 1618 BCE to 1648 BCE

    30 years war (pt. 2)

    The conflict took place in Europe and Germany, near the Prague of Bohemia.
  • Period: 1500 BCE to


    Hinduism is a variety of beliefs and practices that over 1 billion ( 15% ) of the people in the world practice. This religion believes in the cause and effect of things, ( karma ) and reincarnation after death. It is the third largest religion in the world and almost all Hindus live in India where it is most dominant.
  • Period: 1096 BCE to 1272 BCE

    The Crusades

    The Crusades conflict was a war between the Christians and Muslims, who were fighting over the Holy Land, (Jerusalem). The Christians wanted access to Jerusalem which caused many of the Crusades, ( 1st Crusade, 2nd Crusade and the Children Crusade in 1212 ), all of which caused many deaths. The war ended with the Christians gaining no power over the land but they benefited with access to the land. The important people in this conflict were Calif Umar, who was the Muslims religious ruler, (entry)
  • Period: 1096 BCE to 1272 BCE

    The Crusades (pt. 2)

    ... The Pope who helped the Christians with their religious struggle. The war took place in Jerusalem and near the Mediterranean sea and lasted for almost 200 years.
  • Period: 610 BCE to


    About 1.967 billion, ( 2.24% ) people practice the Islamic religion. This specific religion was created and largely practiced in Israel. Islams ( more affectionately known as Muslims ), believe that Muhammad, a man who was visited by an angle is gods messenger. The symbol that goes with this religion is a crescent moon with a star in front of it.
  • Period: 600 BCE to


    Judaism is a common religion spanning 14 million Jews in the world today, ( 10.2% ) The symbol that represents the religion is two triangles on top of each other, placed to look like a star. There are 5 million Jews in the US and 6 million in Israel. Jews believe that God called upon Abraham and Sarah to leave Mesopotamia, and in exchange in their faith in one God, they got their own land full of descendants.
  • Period: 400 BCE to


    This particular religion has nearly 400 million people ( 8% ) practicing the religion. The symbol representing the religion is a lotus flower. The Buddhists believe that poverty and suffering is caused by greed, so every year, they devote 8 days without food or drink, ( except at night) to relieve the feelings of the people facing the challenges of poverty. This plan is called the eight fold path.
  • Period: 100 BCE to


    Around 2.382 billion people (31.11%) practice a form of Christianity. Europe and the Americas are the places that it is most dominantly practiced in. The cross ( t ) represents Christianity because it symbolizes ( in the Christian opinion ) how Jesus died, how he was crucified on the cross to pay for the sins of others.
  • Period: 722 to 1492 BCE


    The fight occurred between the Christians and Islams, because the Christians were threatened with the Islams growing land, (near the amount that they had), so they tried to win over some of the land. The important people in this conflict were: ( Christians:) King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella who were important because they were the King and Queen at the time, and ( Muslim:) Alfonso VI who was the King and Tariq Ibn Ziyad who was the commander of the Muslim army. This war took place in the...
  • Period: 722 to 1492 BCE

    Reconquista (pt. 2)

    ... the Iberian Peninsula, and Europa, which is southeast of Iberia and Spain. The Reconquista decreased the population immensely and the Christians defeated the Muslims.
  • Period: to

    Israeli - Palestinian war

    There is not a result of this conflict, however in 1993 a temporary peace treaty was signed. But, to this day, the war is still a current issue.
  • Period: to

    Israeli - Palestine war

    This conflict began in 1947, in Israel, because both the Muslims and Jews wanted the Holy Land. ( In Israel ) The war started when Israel was created, the Jews owned Israel first and had to fight for possession. On the Palestinian side, Yasser Arafat was one of the most important people. He led the PLO to a peace agreement with the Israeli government and was awarded the Nobel peace prize. One of the more important battles was the 1967, 6 day war which lasted for 6 days straight. ( go to pt. 2 ).
  • Period: to

    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    This war began because the original ruler was overthrown by Muhammad Taraki, who took may major measures that were frowned upon by the rest of the Muslims. The two major cities that this conflict took place in were Cuble and Mujahideen. The US, gave weapons to Muhammed, and the weapons ended up hurting the conflict even more. The whole battle was major and ended up killing lots of people. The war officially ended in 1989, in 1991 the Soviets were financially destroyed and the war again, ended.
  • Period: to

    Syrian Civil war

    This war started because Shia, a branch of Islam, had more economic and political power and the Sunni, another branch, wanted power also. The war occurred in Syria and some Arab states. One of the many important people in this conflict was Tsar Nicholas, who was one of the major supporters of the Sunni religion. During this war, many people were attacked, murdered, tortured and killed by tanks, guns, bombs, and chemicals causing a refugee outbreak. The war is still going on to this day, however.