Hachet TimeLIne-Brown

  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    The PLane had run out of gasoline and crash landed into a lake.

    Brian Finds water to drink.
  • Food

    Brian finds Food to eat the Gut Cherries.
  • Bear

    Brian Encounters a bear while collecting berries
  • Shelter

    Brians makes a shelter
  • Missed IT!!!!!!!!!!

    A rescue plane Flys over Brian but didnt see him
  • The Cutting

    Brian Starts Cutting Himself with his hachet.
  • Fire!!

    Brians Gets a fire staerted
  • Porqupine.

    A proqupine comes into Brians shelter looking for the turtle egges
  • Foolbird

    Brian Finally Catches and eats a foolbird.