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World History

By Sara H
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    Oliver Cromwell was born on April 25, 1599. During his life time he was an English general and statesman. He was the leader during the Commonwealth. He died on September 3, 1658.
  • Gunpowder Plot

    Gunpowder Plot
    The Gunpowder Plot was a failed attempt to assassin the king of England, named King James l. The plot was led by Guy Fawkes and Robert Catesby, along with others. The plot was started once many Roman Catholics where being killed by the English government.
  • Charles I is beheaded

    Charles I is beheaded
    Charles I was beheaded on the 30th of January in the year 1649 outside the Banqueting House in Whitehall. He was beheaded because of treason. Also, the Parliament had to do something because he was taking over, using all the power.
  • The End of the English Civil War

    The End of the English Civil War
    The English Civil War happened because of the conflict between the Royalist (the kings side) and the Roundheads (parliament). The king wanted power but parliament did not like it because he was catholic. They also fought for money, religion, and power.
  • Captain James Cook lands in Australia

    Captain James Cook lands in Australia
    Captain James Cook was a navigator and British explorer. In 1770 on August 29 he lands in Australia and claims a part of it and names it New South Wales. He was not the first one though. The first to sail their where the Dutch (Netherlands) but left quickly once they were attacked by the natives.
  • Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense

    Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense
    Thomas Paine was an English American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary. Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense and publishes it on January 10, 1776. He writes about independence from England and the creation of a democratic republic.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was made to announce and explain the separation from Great Britain. They wrote the letter to explain how the king of Great Britain was not being fair. It was also written to give the liberty, rights and to pursue the happiness of the people.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The Storming of Bastille occurred in Paris, France. Many have found out that their were large quantities of arm powder in the palace. Also, they helped to free prisoners at the Bastille and destroyed/mobbed the city and the palace. Many French still celebrate Bastille Day.
  • Bill of rights

    Bill of rights
    The Bill Of Rights was established on December 12, 1791. It was made so that the government wouldn’t have full power. It also gave rights to others.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis the 16th was executed on the guillotine for treason as well as his wife. He failed to help France and decided to escape but they were caught.
  • Ireland joins the United Kingdom

    Ireland joins the United Kingdom
    In 1801, Ireland joins the UK, but they started disliking the British. The British took their land and sometimes kicked people out. The Irish never accepted the British rule. Only a small amount of people knew how to read/ write.
  • Invasion of Russia (The Big Blunder)

    Invasion of Russia (The Big Blunder)
    The invasion of Russia was one of Napoleons mistakes. In this war the Russians avoided direct confrontation with Napoleon. They used scorched earth tactics meaning that they left their city empty and burning, therefore the French did not have any resources. On the way back many of the French died because of the winter and were confronted by the Russians. Russians win.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna did not support the democracy. Their main goal of the meeting was to undo everything that Napoleon had done. They wanted to restore their monarchies, reduce France to its old boundaries and support the revolution.