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World history

  • Period: 1608 BCE to 1604 BCE

    Robert Catesby reveals his plan

    Robert Catesby tells Guy Fawkes and the other plotters about his plane to blow up the House of Parliament with gunpowder.
  • 1606 BCE

    The Gunpowder plot: Aftermath

    The Gunpowder plot: Aftermath
    The gunpowder aftermath was when Fawkes and other catholic conspirators were sentenced to be hanged drawn, and quartered in London. A moment before Fawkes execution started he jumped from a ladder While climbing the gallows. While climbing them he fell braking his neck, the he died.
  • 1605 BCE

    The gun powder treason

    The gun powder treason
    The powder treason was a failed attempt to kill king James, the plot was organized by Robert Catesby and other people who hoped to change the country’s Protestant government with a Catholic Leadership.
  • King James get a warning

    King James get a warning
    Lord Monteagle gets a letter as a warning telling him about the plot to blow up the House of Parliament, and about the gunpowder in the cellar. Then the king orders his soldiers to go check it out and finds Guy Fawkes.
  • Period: to 1648 BCE

    30 year war

    In January violence broke out between the catholic nation and the Protestant nation. The Catholics were usually presented by the Holy Roman Empire. The war spreads across Europe, except for Britain. The war ended in 1648 with a treaty that split The Holy Roman Empire in two.
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV Takes Rule Of France

    Louse XIV took rule over France at the death of its ,enter, Mazarin. He established an image of being a sun God. Meaning that all light in France came from him. He co strutted the place at Versailles. He also attempted to remove nobles from power and worked against Protestants
  • Period: to

    Peace of Westphalia

    The peace of Westphalia brought an end to the 30 year war. It was a pair of treaties signed in may and October of 1648. Its know as the beginning of the new era for many people. Each state was given the right to choose its own religion. People were also given the right to follow any denomination of Christianity they wanted in all participating states.