
  • Feb 20, 1100

    12th Century

    12th Century
    The guitar became very specific with its features over time. In the 12th century, the beginning of the guitar had a wooden flat back, ribs, and a long neck. Most instruments that are referred to as a guitar in the 12th century would not be today.
  • Aug 9, 1200

    13th Century

    13th Century
    In the 13th century the guitar was brought from Spain to Europe. The Spain guitar was called “viola da mano”. The lute was played in Europe in the 13th century. Hermes made the lute.
  • Nov 8, 1200

    The Lute

    The Lute
    The lute was known as one of the guitars very close relatives because of its physical features such as frets, strings, a neck, and a soundboard. Lutes became less popular as guitars became more popular. Lutes music became most popular between 16th and 17th century.
  • Mar 5, 1300

    14th century

    14th century
    In the 14th century, certain Moorish and Latin instruments were called guitars. They were referred to as guitars because the Moorish guitars had a wide fingerboard, rounded back, and sound holes, similar to the guitars in the 16th century. The Moorish instrument was known as Guitarra Moresca. The Latin guitars, differed in that it had a single sound hole and the neck was much more narrow. The Latin instrument is called Guitarra Latina.
  • Mar 3, 1500

    15th and 16th Century

    15th and 16th Century
    In the 15th and 16th century the guitar changed into a closer model to what it is today. Its newer model originated in Spain, which was a plucked string instrument. C, f, a, and d were the four strings in the guitar. In the 1500s the guitar came to America
  • Sixth String Guitar

    Sixth String Guitar
    Gaetano Vinaccia built the six-string guitar in 1779. The guitar has been examined. In the 17th century there were more strings being changed and added to the guitar. The six-string guitar has a tuning head. There are multiple level rosettes.
  • Modern Day Guitar

    Modern Day Guitar
    By the 1800’s the guitar had gained multiple strings which were E, A, d, g, b, e. Antonio Torres Jurado gets credit for building the first modern day guitar. He was born June 13th, 1817 and he died November 19th, 1892. Modern day guitars have six strings.
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    In the 20th century the guitar finalized to be a long neck with frets, a flat top, and curved in sides. In the United States, the electric guitar was invented in the 1930s. Adolph Rickenbacker invented the first electric guitar. He was born April 1st 1886 and died March 21st 1976.
  • Bass Guitar

    Bass Guitar
    Paul Tutmarc invented the bass guitar also known as the electric bass. He invented in the 1930s but it wasnt very popular. Leo Fender made a bass guitar in the 1950s and his guitar got a lot of attention especially in the 2000s.Bass guitars are most known to be made out of wood.
  • Today

    Today, people that make strings for the guitar are continuously improving on there craft. Modern day guitars are very different from the guitars and guitar-like instrument in the past. They have a different sound and amount of strings. They way they look and feel are also different. Modern day guitars normally have six strings.