Growth of a Baby from Conception to Birth

By Mcs3418
  • Conception

    Fertilization of the mother's egg by the dad's sperm. Fertilisation normally takes place in the mother's Fallopian tube, which connects the uterus (womb) with the ovary. The uterus is made of muscle and it stretches to allow the baby's growth throughout the months of pregnancy.
  • Week 2

    You'll ovulate, and if egg meets sperm, you'll be on your way to pregnancy
  • Week 3

    The fetus is a tiny ball, called a blastocyst it made up of several hundred cells that are multiplying quickly.
  • Week 4

    In your uterus,the fetus is an embryo made up of two layers, and your primitive placenta is developing.
  • Week 5

    The tiny embryo is growing like crazy, and you may be noticing pregnancy discomforts like sore breasts and fatigue.
  • Week 6

    Your baby's nose, mouth, and ears are beginning to form. You also may be having morning sickness.
  • Week 7

    It is forming hands and feet. Your uterus has doubled in size.
  • Week 8

    Your baby is constantly moving, but may not be able to feel it.
  • Week 9

    Nearly an inch long now, the baby is starting to look more human. Your'e waste has probably gotten a bit larger.

  • Week 25

    Your baby is long and lean, like an ear of corn. And your growing uterus is now the size of a soccer ball.
  • Week 27

    Your baby may be hiccupping. It's also opening and closing his eyes and even sucking it's fingers.
  • Week 32

    Your baby is plumping up. Meanwhile, your expanding uterus may cause heartburn and shortness of breath.
  • Week 37

    Your baby's brain and lungs are continuing to mature. You may have more vaginal discharge and occasional contractions.
  • Week 38

    Your baby has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test in person. Meanwhile, watch out for signs of preeclampsia.
  • Week 39

    Your baby is full term this week and waiting to greet the world. Your water may break.
  • week 41

    Your baby is the size of a small pumpkin. Don't worry if you're still pregnant, it is very common to not give birth on your due date.
  • Week 42

    It's the baby's birthday!!!!