Brown vs. Board of Education
Segregation of public schools is unconstitutional. -
Captioned Films act of 1958
Put captions in movies for people who are hard of hearing or deaf. -
Training of Professional Personel act of 1959
helped trained learders to teach children with mental retardation. -
Teachers of the Deaf Act of 1961
Trained instuctional personal for children that are deaf or hard of hearing. -
Mills vs. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
Established the responisibilites of states and localities to educate children with disabilities. -
Section 504
Civil Rights law that makes sure that chidren with disabilites have equal access to an education. -
Allowed parents to have access to all personal information used by the schools regarding their child. -
Education of all Handicapped children act
act that allows all school districts to education students with disabilities. -
Rowley Court Case
Provide federal money to asssit in educating handicapped children. -
Tatro court case
First attempt to distinguish the difference between school health services and medical services -
Honig court case
in order for states to recieve financial assistance they need to provide free appropriate public education for all disabled children including those with serious emotional disturbances. -
Oberti Court Case
Court case that settled the difference between inclusive student education compared to the general classroom. -
Prohibits discrimination based on disabilities. -
No Child Left Behind
Calling for all students to be proficient in reading and math by 2014. -
IDEA 2004
Authorizes formula grants to state, as well as discretionary grants for research, technology, and training.