War declared with Germany
MacDonald - works on War posters
Harris - joins army
Jackson - enlists in 60th Battalion Infantry, sent overseas
Holgate - 5th Canadian Division Artillery in France -
Death of Tom Thomson
July 8, seen for last time at Canoe Lake
July 16, body discovered -
Period: to
Group of Seven
Original Group of Seven included: Carmichael, Harris, Jackson, Johnston, Lismer, MacDonald and Varley -
Group forms, informally
First Exhibition
Second Exhibition
Third Exhibition
Fourth Exhibition
Casson joins Group
Fifth Exhibition
Holgate joins Group
Final Exhibition
FitzGerald joins Group
Canadian Group of Painters
Harris, Lismer, Varley, Carmichael, Casson, FitzGerald, Holgate are the founding members.
First Exhibition, November 1933