1st birthday
I was born on June 16th on a saturday at 6:25 in the morning. I was a premature baby, born two months ahead of time. I am also the oldest sibling. -
My parents separated
My parents separated when I was about five years old. I was born in Mesa but moved to Phoenix a couple of months after I was born. We had lived in an apartment in Phoenix but we moved in with my mom's parents after they separated. I've lived with my grandparents ever since. -
Trip to the Dominican Republic
I went on vacation for about two weeks. It was towards the end of freshman year, I had missed the last day of that year. I came back on June 1st. I went alone with my aunt to Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo. -
First time my family moved out
The summer of eighth grade, my mom and my two sibling had moved out of my grandparents house and into a two bedroom apartment. It was nice to finally have our place. Although we struggled financially, and I matured a lot during this time. I had to be the one to pay the bills and translate, so it was really overwhelming. -
When I first started going to the gym
I finally got my membership to planet fitness!! I've always been an athletic person. When I first got my membership I felt like I finally had the chance to take care of myself. I like taking care of my body(: -
Sister rebelling
I've never really had a good relationship with my younger sister. Last year she really started causing problems at home. I learned a lot during this time. She's learned from me and I've learned a lot from her. -
When I first got my drivers liscense
I remember waiting hours in line for my test. I was so nervous, I couldn't function. (I'm only exaggerating) I was so anxious waiting with my mom. They called my number, I left and returned with the biggest smile on my face. -
Visiting Family in Mexico
I go almost every summer to go visit my family in Chihuahua, Mexico. The trip is about 14 hours long on the road, but I have a blast with my grandparents. This past year was different because almost all of my family went this time. -
Taking Multicultural Lit
Within the first couple of days I knew that the class was going to change my life in some way. I learned that being different is okay, that the world is cruel place and people are always going to be mean. I've processed so much harsh reality, and that's made me view the world differently. I've become a more caring and smart person because of this class. -
I don't know what or how I'm going to be feeling on this day, all I know is that I'm ready for it. I'm scared of the real world, but I'm excited for what it has to offer. I am a first generation student so I'm eager to see what that looks like and for what my future has in store for me.