great depression
the great depression was a national nightmare during the 1920 many americnas had started to equate pepesion struck pepole felt worthles the worst nightmare to stablized american -
20th amendment
the 20th amendment was written because the constitution ways ratified to the amount of time lane cluck preisdent and congressemhad to push policies beforethe new administration legistaion took over -
gold reserve act
an act the curency systen of the united states to provide for the sellersystem better use of the better use of the moonteray gold stocck of the inwhich effect the federal reserve be surrend and vested to restored the nation to the gold standard through the redemptiopn -
migrant mother
took photot of the misery of the great depression much langs waork funded by federal agencies such as the farm securtiy whitch wasestablished tio aclluate rural poverty her work helped draw attetion to the desprate conditioons in -
robert taft
for was a president not a king his goalswere ambitious while he had many susposions this enimes were legion liteeral nudcals