Great Depression/Dust Bowl

By chanson
  • The Great Depression

    During the Great Depression more than 11,000 banks failed, unemployment was at an all time high of 25% and over $1 billion in bank deposits were lost
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    The Great Depression Starts

    The Great Depression starts after the stock market crashes and wipes out the investors and led to unemployment
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal was a series of laws, programs, and government agencies that placed regulations on the stock market, banks, and business.
  • Trade Policy

    The trade policy raised U.S. tariffs over 20,000 imported goods but it backfired and as the Europeans retaliate and don't buy american goods
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    The start of the Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl started from over farming, livestock overgrazing, and drought resulting in crop failure and huge dust storms
  • President Change

    During the beginning of the Great Depression Herbert Hoover was president but in 1933 FDR was elected and promised America a "New Deal"
  • The Dust Bowl

    Over 100 million acres of land were affected and more than 300,000 people move to California to start a new life due to the agricultural failure of the Great Plains
  • Crime

    Throughout the great depression and the dust bowl. Most people built home on private property or stealing trying to get ahead economically
  • The Bonus Army

    The Bonus Army got together and started a protest where they gathered around Washington DC and demanded cash payment for their redeemable service certificates. They are thrown out and possessions are burned but get payed in 1936
  • World War 2

    It is said that the beginning of World War 2 was the end of the Great Depression because unemployment rates dropped from 25% all the way to 10%