Great Depression

By adenni
  • Stock Market Crash

    Investors sold overpriced shares
  • Glass Steagall Act

    Separated investment banking and retail which helped with loans and deposits
  • Revenue Act of 1932

    Hoover signed this act making income tax rate increase 63%, which worsened the depression.
  • Emergency Banking Act

    Provides relief during the emergency of Great Depression to help stabilize banks.
  • Civilian Concentration Corps

    Work relief program that allowed millions of young men employment to work on parks, buildings, etc.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Part of New Deal, employing many Americas, giving jobs such as building roads, airports, writing and acting.
  • Social Security Act

    President Roosevelt created a federal assurance for elderly unemployed Americans.
  • Great Depression Ends

    Ended because of WW2, US joining because Pearl Harbor. This war created jobs and money.