Great Depression and New Deal Timeline

By gianab
  • Hoover Dam Authorized

    165 million dollars spent on a dam?!?!
    a downstream imperial dam and an all-American canal. Will help irrigate 1,500,000 acres of land, provide water and power as well as supports wildlife.
  • Mexican Repatriation

    Mexican Repatriation
    The deportation of Mexicans and Mexican Americans back to Mexico, even those who were legally allowed to be living in the United States. They were deported due to the severe numbers of unemployment and threats from government officials.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Investors traded 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange, and billions of dollars were lost. This was a pivotal factor leading to the Great Depression. This day came to be known as Black Tuesday, leading to the 10-year economic crash.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The dust bowl was due to the high costs of machines and land not good for cultivation. Farmers would not tend to the soil correctly, leading to erosion, therefore leading to the dust bowl. As a result, people would start migrating to cities to look for jobs elsewhere.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
    The cartoon shows the conflict between the republicans and the democrats on whether to raise tariffs or not to protect US farmers from foreign competitors. But even with the goal of protecting US citizens, it is largely blamed for the worsening of the Great Depression.
  • Al Capone Opens Soup Kitchen

    thought i'd be useful and open a soup kitchen ig. #gooddeeds #criminalturnedgood
  • Hoovervilles pop up

    Shanty Towns Appear out of Nowhere on Public Land due to Desperation!
    Little towns called Hoovervilles begin to pop up in public areas due to millions of people who lost their homes and jobs.
  • Bonus Army March

    soo we fight in a war. we come back to ruin. we want the money we were promised. and we are met with more violence and death. nice one America. givememoney #cancelpoliceforce #justicefor2dead guys #depressionsucks
  • Period: to

    Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan invaded Manchuria in search of raw materials to fuel growing industries. Once they invaded, the Japanese continued to advance despite the efforts to stop them. After it ended the Japanese established the puppet state of Manchukuo.
  • FDR elected

    The Promise of a "New Deal" to American People?! Real or Fake?!
    FDR was the first president to win an election by majority vote. Promises the "new deal" to restore prosperity to Americans.
  • Emergency Banking Act

    The Emergency Banking Act was to try and restore public confidence in the nation's financial systems after a banking holiday. The act created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insured bank accounts at no cost up to 2500 dollars.
  • AAA established

    The Agricultural Adjustment Act was established to boost agricultural prices by managing overproduction. This act helped bring relief to farmers as now they were producing fewer crops but pricing them higher.
  • TVA established

    Magic Lights?! Flooding Gone?! Flourishing Forests?!
    as a bunch of old white men form the TVA, electricity is brought to houses, flooding has been managed, and forests can start to grow once more.
  • San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

    San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
    This map shows the location of the San Fransico-Oakland Bay Bridge which stood as a symbol of American ingenuity and resolve, and also provided an economic boost as it helped fill a transportation need.
  • Prohibition Repealed

    This was the 21st Amendment which repealed the 18th Amendment on the prohibition of alcohol. This was due to the increase in illegal production and sales of liquor, and a lot of violence associated with it.
  • Gold Reserve Act

    I worked hard for my gold and now the government gets it. I quit and I'm moving back to Europe. hatethegovernment #everythingsascam #lifeispointless
  • FHA Establishes Standards for Home Construction

    The Federal Housing Administration was established as a part of Roosevelt's "New Deal" in an effort to combat the Great Depression. This applies standards for living and housing and ensures that you have mortgage insurance on your house.
  • Wagner Act

    Also known as the National Labor Relations Act, is a labor law that ensures the right of private sector of employees to organize trade unions, collective bargaining, and go on strike. This led to improved working conditions and increased wages and benefits.
  • First social security number

    so i was issued the first social security number. I'm better than everyone else. but WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?! I've got an investment fund!! earylretirement #ivegotmyownnumber #special
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    -link to the news article