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Great Depression

  • Unemployment low in 1929

    Unemployment low in 1929
    Unemployment averages 3.2 % for the year
  • Wall Street CrashCrash

    Wall Street CrashCrash
    Stock market Collapse the Dow Jones Industrial average peaks in october 1929 at 381.17
  • Smoot Hawley Tariff

    Smoot Hawley Tariff
    Congress passes the smoot havely tarrif steeply raising import duties in an attempt to protect american manufactures from foregi competition. The tariff increase has little impact on the American economy, but plunges Europe farther into crisis.
  • Major Bank Collapse

    Major Bank Collapse
    New York bank of U.S. collapse in largest bank failure in American History.200$ million in deposits disapear
  • Rossevelt Elected

    Rossevelt Elected
    Democrat Franklin D Rossevelt defeats incumbent Republican president Herbert Hoover in a landslide to win presidency.
  • Unemployment Rose Heavily

    Unemployment Rose Heavily
    Unemployment averages 24.9%for the year
  • Townsend proposes a pension plan

    Townsend proposes a pension plan
    Dr. Francis Townsend sends a letter to the beach press. Telegram proposing sate funded pensions for the elderly to boost consumption and employment.
  • Share our wealth society founded

    Share our wealth society founded
    Huey Long founds the share our wealth society, advocating outright seizure of the"excess fortunes' of the rich to redistribute to the poor.
  • Political Crises

    Political Crises
    Spain saw mounting political crises that led to civil war
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    It damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American praires mainly in may 1935 severe drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent aeolin process. Wind erosion
  • Rossevelt Reelected

    Rossevelt Reelected
    Franklin d. rossevelts elected a second term as president he wins every state.
  • Nazi rally in new York

    Nazi rally in new York
    Anti semtic hitler adminer calls "Frank Rosenfled" the new deal the 'the jew deal"