Mein Kampf is Published
Mein Kampf was written by Adolf Hitler. It outlined his plans to return Germany ot glory. -
The Dust Bowl Begins
The Dust Bowl was caused by droughts in the Great Plains. It created storms that swept dust from Oklahoma to New York. -
Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)
FDR beats Herbert Hoover in the election of 1932. He promises the American people a "New Deal." -
Dust Bowl Begins
As the Great Plains suffered through a drought, high winds carried topsoil from the Midwest to the East Coast. Many farmers lost their farms as crops failed. -
J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title
J.J. Braddock, a huge underdog, wins the boxing title from Max Baer. His dramatic comeback story inspired the nation. -
Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters
The classic children's movie debuts on the big screen in 1939. One of the first movies to use color, it is still considered a classic today. -
FDR give the "Four Freedoms" Speech
In a speech to Congress, FDR begins to prepare the United States to join WWII. The speech talked about the freedoms important to Americans.