Grandma's Timeline

  • MariLu was born

    My grandma, MariLu, was born in Puerto Rico on January 15th, 1951.
  • The 1952 Winter Olympics opened

    The 1952 Winter Olympics opened
    The 1952 Winter Olympics opened on February 14th,1952, and ended on the 25th of February. The Winter Olympics was held at the Bislett stadium and took place in Olso, Norway.
  • Started school

    MariLu started kindergarten on September 4th, 1956.
  • NASA chooses the first seven military pilots

    NASA chooses the first seven military pilots
    In 1959, the first seven military pilots were picked to become the Mercury seven and first astronauts of the U.S.A. The Mercury seven included John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, Gus Griscom, Wally Scare, Alan Shepard, and Deke Slayton.
  • Kennedy Assassination

    Kennedy Assassination
    On November 22nd, 1963, president John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while riding in a presidential motorcade in Dealy Plaza. He was riding with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife, Nellie, and then was fatally shot by former U.S. Marine Lee Harvey.
  • Graduated 8th grade

    MariLu graduated 8th grade on June 10th, 1965.
  • Got her first job

    MariLu was 15 years old when she got her first job it was in 1966. She worked as a waitress in a restaraunt.
  • Became a mother

    MariLu became a mother on July 20th, 1968.
  • Shirley Chisholm Elected to Congress

    Shirley Chisholm Elected to Congress
  • Graduated high school

    MariLu graduated high school on June 12th, 1969.
  • Had her second child

    MariLu had her second child on April 4th, 1970.
  • The first Earth Day celebration

    The first Earth Day celebration
    The first Earth Day celebration was held on April 22nd, 1970. The Earth Day celebration was an event to increase awareness of the entire world's environmental problems. The first Earth Day celebration was founded by United States Senator, Gaylord Nelson.
  • Got married

    She got married in 1971.
  • The television show Wheel of Fortune premier

    The television show Wheel of Fortune premier
    The T.V show Wheel of Fortune premieres in 1975. NBC executives gave Wheel of Fortune a green light and wanted Chuck Woolery back as host. The first episodes of Wheel of Fortune were recorded
  • Got divorced

    MariLu had a divorce in 1980.
  • President Ronald Reagan withstands an assassination attempt

    President Ronald Reagan withstands an assassination attempt
    The President Ronald Reagan attempt was on March 30th, 1981. Ronald Reagan was leaving after a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton hotel in Washington D.C. The shots were fired by John Hinckley, Jr. as he left to enter the presidential limo.
  • The Berlin Wall was torn down

    The Berlin Wall was torn down
    The Berlin Wall was torn down on November 9th, 1989. The Berlin Wall was eventually chipping because people had hammers and chisels and were trying to tear it down and they eventually did. Once the Berlin Wall was destroyed they all had a massive celebration.
  • The largest art theft in U.S. history occurs

    The largest art theft in U.S. history occurs
    The largest theft in U.S. history occurs in Boston, Massachusetts on March 18th, 1990. Two men posed as police officers tied up the guards and they stole about $500 million worth in art at the museum in Boston.
  • Became a grandma

    MariLu first became a grandma when her daughter gave birth to my brother, which was on June 21st, 1992.
  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) is created

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is created
    The World Trade Organization was created on January 1st, 1995. The WTO is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade in between nations.