Graham's Language Milestones

  • Phonology Milestone at Birth

    Phonology Milestone at Birth
    After birth Graham was able to differentiate the sounds of each language by identifying rhythms. He started to make reflexive sounds straight after birth. (Pg.133).
    Example: One example was Graham’s crying, whether it's a sign of distress, fussiness, etc.
  • Semantics Milestone at Birth

    Semantics Milestone at Birth
    Right after birth Graham became aware of the sounds going on around them. (Pg.142).
    Example: At such a young age he started to localize sounds and look towards the noise. He also would usually become startled by loud noises
  • Pragmatics Milestone at Birth

    Pragmatics Milestone at Birth
    Graham was more attentive to gentle infant-directed speech such as those with higher pitch, tone, rather than regular adult-directed speech. (Pg 142-143).
    Example: When we speak to Graham in a sweet voice he would giggle and he would become interactive by focusing on us.
  • Period: to

    Graham's Infant Milestones

    Milestones from when Graham was born to 12 months old (one year).
  • Phonology Milestone at 4 months

    Phonology Milestone at 4 months
    At four months Graham began to distinguish languages that belong to a rhythmic class and can produce sounds such as sounds and glides of vowels, growls, and squeals.
    For example, he experimented with vowel glides by exclaiming “eeeey.”
  • Semantics Milestone at 4 months

    Semantics Milestone at 4 months
    At four months Graham began to form categories of objects as well as distinguish between accidental and purposeful actions.

    For example, he reacted when a pattern was interrupted.
  • Pragmatics Milestone at 4 months

    Pragmatics Milestone at 4 months
    At four months Graham started fixing his gaze on people’s faces and recognized his own name.
    For example, he would turn and look at someone when he heard his name.
  • Semantics Milestone at 8 months

    Semantics Milestone at 8 months
    At 8 months Graham began to go out of his way to look for his bear which is his favorite toy, and his bear stayed in his crib.
    An example of this is when one of us would tell Graham to go get his bear or when we would ask him “Where is your bear?”, he would go to his room and look in his crib.
  • Phonology Milestone at 8 months

    Phonology Milestone at 8 months
    At 8 months graham began to babble but more specifically he started to reduplicate his babbles, meaning he repeated consonant vowel pairs.
    An example of this is Graham saying “da da da”.
  • Pragmatics Milestone at 8 months

    Pragmatics Milestone at 8 months
    At 8 months Graham started to use intentional communication which means he realized if he did something, us as the caregivers would react/respond to him. Since graham was an infant then that was his way to communicate with others.
    An example of this would be us playing with Graham with several different toys around us but he wants a specific block. Graham would then look at me, then the block, and then back at me. Which is his way of communicating and letting me know he wants that block.
  • Semantics Milestone at 11 months

    Semantics Milestone at 11 months
    At about a year of being born, Graham began to produce his first words in a minimal form, but with a clear intention. He began to say words in isolation. He began to understand multi word utterances, but he is not able to produce multi word utterances yet.
    Example: Graham says,“Juice,” to his cup of water while eating with his mom.
  • Phonology Milestone at 11 months

    Phonology Milestone at 11 months
    At 12 months, Graham began to distinguish between the different allophones of the same phoneme. He began to use jargon in babbling as well. He also began to include stresses and intonation patterns.
    Example: “mama” “dada”
  • Pragmatics Milestone at 11 months

    Pragmatics Milestone at 11 months
    At about a year of being born, Graham begins to seek attention for himself and begins to request objects, actions, and information. He also begins to greet others and respond to other individuals.
    Example: Graham waves “bye-bye” to his grandmother as they leave her house.
  • Phonology Milestone at 12 months

    Phonology Milestone at 12 months
    At 12 months old, Graham was able to only say a few words. Most of his speech, besides a couple of words, was unrecognizable. (Pg 164)
    Example: Graham would say simple words like mama, dada, doggy and kitty. He loved to babble and use lots of gestures to try to communicate with us.
  • Semantics Milestone at 12 months

    Semantics Milestone at 12 months
    At 12 months old, Graham said his first word, “mama”! He also liked to communicate with gestures and pointing at what he’s focused on.
    Example: Graham would always tap with his hands to get our attention towards him/something. He would also like to point to objects and things he was curious about.
  • Syntax & Morphology Milestone at 12 months

    Syntax & Morphology Milestone at 12 months
    At this age, Graham would mostly say nouns. He liked to say and label things he would see at home or out and about.(Pg 164).
    Example: Graham would utter noun words such as nana, truck, eyes, hands, etc.
  • Pragmatics milestone at 12 months

    Pragmatics milestone at 12 months
    At 12 months, Graham started to understand and use the line of regard, voice direction and body posture. (Pg. 165).
    Example: Graham would turn his body towards a toy (which he’d realize was far) and start pointing at it for me to bring it closer.
  • Period: to

    Graham's Toddler Milestones

    Graham's milestones from 12 months (one year) to 36 months (3 years)
  • Phonology Milestone at 20 months

    Phonology Milestone at 20 months
    At 20 months Graham started processing spoken words incrementally.
    An example is him saying “ma” and then “dada” separately.
  • Semantics Milestone at 20 months

    Semantics Milestone at 20 months
    At 20 months Graham started using some adjectives and verbs.
    An example is when he said “blue”.
  • Pragmatics Milestone at 20 months

    Pragmatics Milestone at 20 months
    At 20 months Graham began to use gesture and word combinations.
    For example, he would say “blue ball” and point at the ball.
  • Syntax & Morphology Milestone at 20 months

    Syntax & Morphology Milestone at 20 months
    20 months
    At 20 months Graham began to use grammatical morphemes such as -ing.
    An example was when he said “running”.
  • Phonology Milestone at 28 months

    Phonology Milestone at 28 months
    At 28 months Graham began to show that he was using phonological processes, one of them being final consonant omission.
    An example of this is Graham saying “Ba” instead of “Ball” or “Ca” instead of “Cat”
  • Semantics Milestone at 28 months

    Semantics Milestone at 28 months
    At 28 months Graham began to show that he was using phonological processes, one of them being final consonant omission.
    An example of this is Graham saying “Ba” instead of “Ball” or “Ca” instead of “Cat”.
  • Pragmatics Milestone at 28 months

     Pragmatics Milestone at 28 months
    At 28 months Graham would have small conversations with everyone, begin talking about one subject, and then changing it mid conversation.
    Example: Graham would start talking about a show he likes so he would say something like “I want to watch paw patrol” then he changed the subject to something else like “I want to play with my cars and toys” and he would run off and go play with them. He introduced a topic then changed the topic we were initially talking about.
  • Syntax & Morphology Milestone at 28 months

    Syntax & Morphology Milestone at 28 months
    28 months
    At 28 months Graham used the “ing” ending on words extremely well.
    An example of this is when Graham would say something like “Look mom im playing with my toys”
  • Phonology Milestone at 34 months

    Phonology Milestone at 34 months
    At 34 months of age, Graham is able to say most of the common phonological process and would say about eighty percent of his words in an understandable way.
    Example: Graham began to say “banana” instead of “nana.”
  • Semantics Milestone at 34 months

    Semantics Milestone at 34 months
    At 34 months, Graham is starting to ask simple questions. He is also able to understand more words than produce them
    Example: Graham asked his mom, “Where’s daddy?” when his father left the room.
  • Syntax & Morphology Milestone at 34 months

    Syntax & Morphology Milestone at 34 months
    At 34 months, Graham is able to make multi word utterances and uses contractions and single verbs.
    Example: Graham said, “Mommy, don’t go,” when his mom left him with his grandma.
  • Pragmatics Milestone at 34 months

    Pragmatics Milestone at 34 months
    At 34 months, Graham requests and clearly states his needs and wants in a very clear way during a conversation. He uses the language functions in a variety of ways. He is still not fully aware of when someone is talking to him, so he may or may not respond.
    Example: Graham demands his cousin to play with him as long as they arrive at his house.
  • Phonology milestone at 36 months

    Phonology milestone at 36 months
    At 36 months, Graham’s phonological awareness started to progress at a beginner level. He developed awareness of rhyming words, syllables, words, sounds,etc.
    Example: Graham stated how he realized that the word’s “cat” and “hat” rhyme, and also how they start with a different sound and letter.
  • Syntax & Morphology milestone at 36 months

    Syntax & Morphology milestone at 36 months
    At 36 months, Graham’s grammar improved. Graham started to use short sentences. He would use 4-5 in each of his sentences.
    Example: Graham saw our dog during his feeding time and said “Come on Fluffy eat!”.
  • Semantics milestone at 36 months

    Semantics milestone at 36 months
    At this age, Graham started to learn many words through his “fast mapping” stage. He also started using pronouns to describe other people, places and things.
    Example: Graham saw his friend at the park and said “Come play with us”.
  • Pragmatics milestone at 36 months

    Pragmatics milestone at 36 months
    When Graham was 36 months old, he started to interact in longer conversations than he used to before.
    Example: Graham would engage in in-depth conversations about what he did at school, more specifically his best friends, favorite teacher, classes ,etc
  • Period: to

    Graham's Preschool milestones

    Grahams milestones from 36 months old (3 years) to 60 months old (5 years).
  • Syntax & Morphology milestone at 44 months

    Syntax & Morphology milestone at 44 months
    At 44 months, Graham started using articles, past tense, and contractions consistently.
    Example: He would say phrases such as,”The dog wouldn’t jump.”
  • Phonology milestone at 44 months

    Phonology milestone at 44 months
    At 44 months, Graham had mastered most of the consonants and only struggled with a few of the later developing phonemes
    .Example: He correctly articulated sounds such as /d/ in “dog” but still struggled with /s/ in “spaghetti”.
  • Semantics milestone at 44 months

    Semantics milestone at 44 months
    At 44 months, Graham was able to understand some kinship terms and narrow the possibilities of the meanings of new words using syntactic information.
    Example: He understood the difference between his sister and his brother and was able to recognize his friends’ sisters and brothers.
  • Pragmatics milestone at 44 months

    Pragmatics milestone at 44 months
    At 44 months, Graham understood indirect requests that were accompanied by nonverbal pointing.
    Example: Graham went and washed his hands after using the bathroom when his teacher pointed to the sink.
  • Syntax & Morphology milestone at 52 months

    Syntax & Morphology milestone at 52 months
    At 52 months Graham was using irregular plural forms consistently.
    An example of this would be him saying something along the lines of “Look mom I put my shoes on my feet”, he knows to use feet instead of foot because “Look mom I put my shoes on my foot” would be wrong.
  • Phonology milestone at 54 months

    Phonology milestone at 54 months
    At 54 months Graham was speaking very well and the majority of it was connected speech. Graham also mastered most of the consonants but sometimes when saying certain words it didn't seem so.
    An example of this would be when Graham would talk about playing with his friends and say something like “I had so much fun playing outside with my friends today” but even though he says friends right most of the time, this time he said “fwends”.
  • Semantics milestone at 52 months

    Semantics milestone at 52 months
    At 52 months Graham was asking lots of questions as in “what do”, “what does” , and “what did” kinds of questions.
    An example of this would be when his mom told him “We are going to grandmas today for dinner” and he would reply with “What did grandma cook?".
  • Pragmatics milestone at 52 months

    Pragmatics milestone at 52 months
    At 52 months Graham was using indirect request which means he could be implying or requesting something without saying “I need” or “I want”
    An example of this would be when Graham says “I can’t reach my toys, I wish I could get them” that statement lets mom or whoever know that he wants to play with his toys, he indirectly told someone his request wanting to play with his toys.
  • Phonology milestone at 58 months

    Phonology milestone at 58 months
    At 58 months, Graham begins to pronounce the later-developing phonemes and the phonological processes are also beginning to disappear.
    Example: Graham now says “rat” instead of “wat.”
  • Semantics milestone at 58 months

    Semantics milestone at 58 months
    At 58 months, Graham is able to use a couple thousand words and understand closer to three thousand words. He is also able to use rational terms such as deictic terms, interrogatives, temporal terms, etc.
    Example: Graham says, “I put my car there and now it is gone.
  • Syntax & Morphology milestone at 58 months

    Syntax & Morphology milestone at 58 months
    At 58 months, Graham is able to combine a fair amount of words into sentences. He usually combines five to eight words at this point.
    Example: Graham says, “I want to go to the park after school,” to his mother as soon as he sees her.
  • Pragmatics milestone at 58 months

    Pragmatics milestone at 58 months
    At 58 months, Graham is able to create a narrative with a sequence of events; however, he doesn’t have a main character or theme to his stories.
    Example: Graham begins to tell his mother what he did at school today as soon as he gets to the car.