Grade 10 History Culminating Task

  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression occured as a result of the stock market crash. The great depression effect almost everyone in Canada and forced poverty among most. During this time there were very little amounts of food and most stores that did have food, their rpices were extremely high due to the lack of food. While there were not many jobs available, many men rode ontop of the trains, leaving home, in order to find jobs. Also, some people who couldn't find jobs, would just kill themselves because the
  • The Stock Market Crash

    The Stock Market Crash
    On October 29, 1929, the path to riches known as the stock parket crashed. It crashed because people kept investing money they didn't have and eventually it got to the point where there was more money invested in the stock market than there was in curculation. This lead to devestating poverty in Canada, leaving families with nothing because every last penny they owned was invested in the stocks.
  • The Great Depression: Continued

    living conditions were so poor.
  • Period: to

    Grade 10 History Culminating Task

  • The invention of the Radio

    The invention of the Radio
    The invention of the radio in 1930 showcased the abality of technology. Prior to the 1930's, the radio was used in the military to communicate and was used by the rich. But in the 1930's radios became mass marketed and became accessible to everyone. Radios were important because it allowed people to feel a sense of connection to eachother and their Prime Minister at the time. Almost all radios became more advaced and when used in the war, were more reliable, long ranged and clear.
  • Hitler Rises to Power

    Hitler Rises to Power
    Hitler was arguably the most important figure in World War II. When Hitler rose to power he went against the League of Nations and created a massive army that would later take over but not conquered all of Europe. While Hitler lead Germany, he had devostating ideas like how the Jews had to be exterminated. This lead to the holocaust and the mas murdering of 6 million Jews.
  • Lyon Mackenzie King Elected

    Lyon Mackenzie King Elected
    Lyon Mackenzie King became Prime Minister after beating out Sir Ribert Borden. Prime Minister Mackenzie King was supported by the Frech Canadians and one of his largest issues was that he promised that he would never force conscription. So he came up with the idea that all men must enlist in the army but would not be sent over seas to battle. Until World War 2 broke out, then Prime Minister Mackenzie King enforced conscription and recieved hatred from the French Canadians.
  • War is Declared

    War is Declared
    World War II was declared on September 1, 1939 after German orders were sent to invade Poland. First France and Britain declared war on September 1st, then later Russia and Canada joined the war on September 9th. World War II was important because it brought Canada out of the drepssion and a lot of jobs were opened due to the employees needed to help the war effort.
  • Miracle of Dunkirik Continued

    soldiers to escape the Dunkirk beaches.
  • Miracle at Dunkirk

    Miracle at Dunkirk
    The Miracle on the beaches of Dunkirk was on May 26, 1940. It was a miracle because 330,000 of the Triple Ententes best soldiers were trapped on the beaches of France, and coould have been easily killed. Hitler knew that Germany had them trapped and pulled the whole army excpet for the ariforce. Right when the Nazi planes were about to take off to attack a huge fog came across the English Channel, preventing any aircraft from taking off or landing. This enabled all 330,000 of the Entente's
  • D-Day: Juno Beach

    D-Day: Juno Beach
    The attack on the beaches of Normandy occured on June 6, 1944. On D-Day, the allies were to each take control of their designated beach heads: The Americans had Utah and Omaha beaches, the British had Gold beach, then the Canadians had Juno Beach and finally the British had Sword beach on the east. The significance of this battle was that these beaches were vital parts to secure in order to start driving Germany back from controlling all of Europe.

    The First Atomic bomb was dropped by the United States on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945. Ths blast killed 80,000 people in Japan within the first two months and killed another stimated 20-30,000 people in later years due to cancer and lukemia. This atomic bomb revolutionized technology and warfare because it protrayed the ability of the technology at the time. This bomb essentially ended World War II.