Grace hopper

Grace Hopper

  • Grace hopper was born

    She was born in New York City. Her parents were Walter Fletcher Murray and Mary Campbell Van Horne.
  • Grace Hopper began teaching mathematics at Vassar

    Grace Hopper began teaching mathematics at Vassar
    She was later promoted to associate professor in 1941.
  • Grace Hopper earns her PH.D in Mathematics

    Grace Hopper earns her PH.D in Mathematics
    She got the Ph.D. from Yale university.
  • Grace Hopper enlists in the navy.

    Original she was not accepted into the military because of her age and weight to height ratio. During WW2 however, she was accepted into the navy.
  • Grace Hopper became an employee of the Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation

    Grace Hopper became an employee of the Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation
    She was a senior mathematician and joined the team developing the UNIVAC I computer.
  • Grace Hopper invents COBOL (Computer Business Oriented Language)

    Grace Hopper invents COBOL (Computer Business Oriented Language)
    She wanted to make a programming language that used English instead of complex symbols. This way people who weren't amazing mathematicians could program easier. Without this coding language, coding could be very different now.
  • Grace Hopper was named the company's first director of automatic programming.

    By now the company had now been taken over by the Remington Rand Corporation.
  • Grace Hopper retires from active duty

    Grace Hopper retires from active duty
    She retired in accordance with Navy regulations. She was a United States Navy rear admiral.
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    Grace Hopper served as the director of the Navy Programming Languages Group

  • Grace Hopper was named the Man of the Year by the Data Processing Management Association

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    Advocated for computer standards and updated company computer systems

    Throughout the 1970s, Grace Hopper advocated for companies to use networks of smaller individual computers instead of one large unit. She also implemented standards for computer components, computer testing and for coding language.
  • Grace Hopper was named a distinguished fellow of the British Computer Society

    At the time she was the first and only woman to hold the title.
  • Grace Hopper was awarded the National Medal of Technology

    Grace Hopper was awarded the National Medal of Technology
  • Grace Hopper Dies

    Died at the age of 85 in Arlington, Virginia. She died of natural causes.