• El Quitasol

    El Quitasol
    The palatte of this piece brings about peaceful mood.There is no sign of anguish or turmoil. The painting depicts a young pair, a woman wearing a lemony skirt and a blue vest lying under the shade of the parasol the "majo" is holding above her head, he may also be shielding her from the world beyond her sight. Laying upon her skirt is a young pup which may symbolize the role of the lady as a caretaker. The young man behind her is seems unimportant to the woman in the scene as she is looking away
  • La gallina ciega

    La gallina ciega
  • Carlos Maria de Isidro is born

    Future head of the Carlist movement
  • Carlos IV is crowned king

  • Carlos IV

    Carlos IV
  • Outbreak of the French Revolution

  • Godoy becomes the favourite (Valido) to the King

  • La maja desnuda

    La maja desnuda
  • El Aquelarre

    El Aquelarre
  • El sueño de la razón produce monstruos

    El sueño de la razón produce monstruos
    grabado n.º 43 de Los Caprichos (1797-1799)
  • La Familia De Carlos IV

    La Familia De Carlos IV
    The painting is presided over by María Luisa de Parma,making her be seen as the most powerful,the painting also includes the monarch's children Carlos Maria Isidro,Maria Josefa, Maria Isabel,Fracisco de Paula,and Maria Luisa with Don Luis de Parma and Carlos Luis,Fernando the VII is also in the painting,other members appear such as the King’s sister Maria Josefa and brother Don Antonio Pascual. An unknown future wife of Fernando’s is shown with her face turned to the background.
  • La maja vestida

    La maja vestida
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

  • Period: to

    War of Independencde

  • Tumult of Aranjuez

    17 March - 19 March
  • End of the reign of Carlos IV

  • Beginning of the reign of Fernando VII

  • Start of the War of Independence

  • Abdications of Bayonne

  • First constitution

  • El 2 de mayo de 1808 en Madrid o ''La lucha con los mamelucos''

    El 2 de mayo de 1808 en Madrid o ''La lucha con los mamelucos''
  • El 3 de mayo en Madrid o "Los fusilamientos"

    El 3 de mayo en Madrid o "Los fusilamientos"
  • Return of Fernando VII

  • Period: to

    Restoration of absolutism

  • Autorretrato

  • Death of Carlos IV

  • Saturno devorando a su hijo

    Saturno devorando a su hijo
  • Perro semihundido

    Perro semihundido
    1820 - 1823
  • Dos viejos comiendo

    Dos viejos comiendo
  • "Pronunciamiento de Riego" - Pronouncement of Riego

  • Period: to

    Liberal triennium

  • Entrance in Spain of the "Cien Mil Hijos de San Luis"

  • Period: to

    Omnious decade

  • Abolition of the Salic Law

  • Death of Ferdinand VII