
  • Mars Mission Arrival

    The first manned mission to Mars has been successful with five healthy astronauts. They must begin construction of life support and mission control facilities immediately while they wait for future astronauts, or settlers, to arrive with more materials and resources. For now they must work under the orders and directions of the United Nations Space Command(U.N.S.C.) which is based on Earth. The plan is to send five people every ten yeas to Mars, and eventually be able to send ten.
  • Period: to


    Colonization of Mars began in 2030 as a hope of on day creating another habitable planet. In a period of over 500 years, the Martians have made themselves fully independent and no longer have to abide by the U.N.S.C.
  • 2050

    In the first twenty years, fifteen people are now on Mars bringing up multiple buildings such as a greenhouse allowing for food production, and research on terraforming has started. So far the U.N.S.C. has been the all powerful influencer commanding the settlers to progress accordingly to its agenda.
  • 2150

    The original settlers have died, but the U.N.S.C. has begun missions of ten people, and the people of Mars have now been reproducing. This, however, conflicts with the U.N.S.C. as they did not permit reproduction among the Martians. The Martians now see that their freedoms are limited which starts to fuel the push towards independence from the U.N.S.C. Mars has now the ability to sustain a small town of one-hundred people.
  • 2480

    The Marians have began a representative democracy in order to speak with the U.N.S.C. over their rights. In the last hundred years, the U.N.S.C. has sent military to Mars to prevent the Martians from swaying away of their orders. Mars has had enough and has chosen, or elected, representatives to communicate with the U.N.S.C. regarding their secession from Earth as they will soon be fully independent. The research of terraforming appears promising and a near future reality.
  • Freedom

    After years of conflict with the U.N.S.C. and nature, the civilization of Mars is now free and fully independent. With a population of slightly over two-hundred thousand Martians, their approach of a representative democracy has allowed them to cut their ties with the U.N.S.C. Terraforming research has made Mars a habitable planet. As the Martians continue with their lives, they move forward with inventions to form an even more life-friendly Mars