got grievance

  • french and indian war ends

    french and indian war ends
    Britain paid a lot of money to keep the colonies safe and happy by fighting France for control of the Ohio river valley. after the war, it wasn't economically advantageous anymore, so the colonies became an expensive drain. there was a lot of war debts they had to pay also
  • stamp act repealed

    stamp act repealed
    after months of protesting the stamp act parliament repealed it
  • stamp act congress

    stamp act congress
    in new york the colonist organized and sent representatives to a meeting called the stamp act congress. they did this because the wanted to discuss the rights of the colonist as British subjects. they ened up declaring that their colonial legislator had the power to tax them, they elected no representative in the parliament and didn't give their consent to any taxes parliament imposed.
  • stamp act passed

    stamp act passed
    Parlement introduced the stamp act that was a tax requiring a stamp for all printed items like newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards really just everything printed. colonist was angry about the tax being made without their say or knowledge. they feared that it would set a precedent of "taxation without representation." there was a need in money and started to levy all British subjects
  • declaratory act passed

    declaratory act passed
    the declaratory act was made right after the stamp act was repealed, it was made so the tax authority was the same as in America.
  • townshed act passed

    townshed act passed
    IT was a series of laws passed by the British government to place more taxes and take away some freedom.
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    British soldiers shot and killed 7 people while being harassed by a mob in Boston
  • townshed act repealed

    townshed act repealed
    repealed Townshend on everything but tea. the British merchants were the main reasoning for this. the British government remained the taxes on teas.
  • tea act passed

    tea act passed
    made iot do the British East India Company eta a monopoly on the tea sales. the tea act made it so there were no new taxes on tea.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    the sons of liberty dressed up as mohawk Indians got on the ship and dumped the cargo of tea into the harbor.
  • as acoercive acts passed

    as acoercive acts passed
    as a punishment on the Boston rebels, they closed until the tea was paid for. which hurt the merchants and people who relied on the trade conducted in the harbor.
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    the colonies united thinking their rights were being violated by the king, each colony except Georgia sent someone to meet in Philadelphia for the first continental congress
  • revolutionary war begins

    revolutionary war begins
    it began because there was a confrontation between British and local Lexington/ concord troops.
  • second continental congress

    second continental congress
    a meeting during the revolutinary war which united america
  • declaration of independence signed

    declaration of independence signed
    was made at the second continental congress meeting to declare independence from Britain.