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good times and bad times (wwI,wwII,dust bowl)

  • the flu epidemic

    12,000 people died
  • WW1 starts

    in 1918 WW1 started in Europe
  • WW1 ends

    after 4 years of world war 1 it finally ends in 1918
  • white castle

    the first white castle opens in witchita
  • The Dust Bowl Begins

    The Dust Bowl starts. This happend beacause the soil was ritch in kansas and people over farmed and it all dried up so there was a big cloud of dust.
  • The Dust Bowl ends

    After 8 years of drought of the dust bowl ends.
  • WW2 starts

    in 1939 another war starts
  • pearl harbor

    The Japanese attack a airforce base on pearl harbor
  • We Join The Fight

    we join our allies (Great Brittan, france, and russia) in ww2 after Pearl harbor.
  • WW2 ends

    WW2 ends