Good Grades Timeline

  • 19

    Study for testing

    Study for testing
    I will study for end of year testing so I can pass.
  • 19

    Bulldog Day

    Bulldog Day
    I will participate in "Bulldog Day" to get community service hours.
  • Homework

    I will complete all my homework and catch up on things that I haven't done yet.
  • MIdterms

    I will study for midterms on this day
  • Read

    I have to read 500 pages for my English class every 6 weeks.
  • SMART goal

    SMART goal
    I want to end my freshman year with getting a's and b's all year. I think this is measurable because I have gotten good grades all in one year before. I will try really hard to maintain my goal by doing all my work. This is realistic because this goal is not that hard to reach if I pay attention in class and turn in all my work on time. This would have to last until June because that is when I get out of 9th grade.