Goals Timeline

  • Get Driver's license

    Get Driver's license
    This will impact my live, as I will always need to be able to drive
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    I want to graduate high school so that I can get into colleges and have a good job
  • Recieve Bachellors degree

    Recieve Bachellors degree
    I want to recieve at least a bachellors degree as it will help me get the job I desire
  • Become an Actor

    Become an Actor
    So I can become rich and famous
  • Win an Emmy

    Win an Emmy
    I want to be recognized for my hard work as an actor.
  • Buy my parents a house

    Buy my parents a house
    If I become an actor, I want to buy my parents a house for all the time and money they've spent on me.
  • Buy a Mustang Boss

    Buy a Mustang Boss
    I have always wanted to own a Ford Mustang Boss
  • Visit Ireland

    Visit Ireland
    I've always wanted to visit Ireland
  • Buy myself a house

    Buy myself a house
    I've always wanted a mansion near the beach
  • Win an Academy Award

    Win an Academy Award
    If I become an actor I want to recieve at least one Academy Award
  • Retire

    I'm gonna be old and want to quit