Goal Setting Timeline

  • SMART Goal

  • T-Time Bound

    4 Motnhs(end of the school year).
  • S-Specific

    I want to recieve all A's and B's by the end of my Junior year.
  • M-Measurable

    I'm going to go in for help when needed, always do the homework, and always do my best.
  • A-Attainable

    Do all of my homework as soon as I get home from school and plan out when I will do what homework.
  • R-Realistic

    It is realistic because whenever I have done my best before, I have always recieved good grades. If I stick to planning out homework and putting it first, I will be able to stay on task more.
  • Period: to

    SMART Goal

    The amount of time it will take to reach my short-term SMART goal.