Short- term SMART goal

  • Step 5

    Step 5
    Limit myself to buying ice cream 1 time a week
  • Step 1

    Step 1
    Eat out with friends only 1 time a week
  • Step 3

    Step 3
    Make coffee at home, that taste just like getting it from a store but for a cheaper price.
  • Step 2

    Step 2
    Only get nails done when I have to (homecoming)
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    Do not buy clothes that are unnecessary.
  • Short-term SMART goal

    Short-term SMART goal
    S: I will save my money earned this summer
    M: Save 80% of what is in my checking account
    A: Only spend $30 dollars or less a month on food, clothing and shoes to meet my end goal
    R: Saving money is more important than spending it on things I do not need
    T: I will save till the end of November