Goal Setting timeline

  • paying the college loans

    paying the college loans
    S- Making sure to set aside money
    M- yes because you only put a little money by each month
    A-yes this goal can be met
    R- yes this is realistic
    T- yes the time is going to be a couple of years
  • getting my bachelor's degree in criminal justice

    getting my bachelor's degree in criminal justice
    S- it could take up to a year or two for my degree
    M- I think that it is possible to get it
    A- yes I think that it could be met
    T-may take at least a year
  • getting my own apartment

    getting my own apartment
    S- actually getting my apartment
    M-making payments of rent on time
    A- yes i can live in the apartments close to the college campus
    R- yes
    T- I would need at least a couple of years
  • going to college

    S- saving up money for the tuition payments
    M- Making sure to know when payments are due
    T-at least 2 years
  • graduating from college

    S- yes I have gotten my degree
    M- yes it can be reached in 4 years
    A-yes the college degree can be reached and I successfully graduated
    R-yes the goal was reached
    T- takes at least 4 years