Goal Setting Timeline

  • Short term smart goal

    S: I will save money for traveling during the summer.
    M: I will save $1000
    A: I will save $100 of every paycheck
    R: Traveling is important to me.
    T: I will be done with this in 10 weeks
  • Go out to eat less

    Go out to eat less
  • Go to the movies less

    Go to the movies less
  • Go shopping less

    Go shopping less
  • Drive less places

    Drive less places
  • bring my lunch to work instead of buying food

    bring my lunch to work instead of buying food
  • Work more

    Work more
  • Long term smart goal

    S: I plan to save to money to rent an apartment
    M: I will save $5000 for my apartment
    A: I will save half of every paycheck.
    R: I am getting older and will need to move out eventually and be on my own
    T: I will reach my goal in 40 months
  • No more impulse purchases

    No more impulse purchases
  • Spend money only on bills and necessities

    Spend money only on bills and necessities
  • Start researching where to get an apartment

    Start researching where to get an apartment
  • shop at thrift stores

    shop at thrift stores