Goal Setting Timelime

  • Measurable

    I plan to save more than $1000 by the end of summer.
  • Attainable

    I am going to reach this goal by saving atleast 200 dollars from each paycheck this summer. I plan on working everyday to be able to save this much.
  • Realistic

    The oppertunity cost for saving in the summer is higher than spending that money on something else so I won't have to save more money when I am already in college and won't be able to work as much.
  • Time Bound

    Time Bound
    I plan to save atleast 1000 dollars for the first year of college this sumer by saving 200 or more ddallars from each paycheck from work before buying anything else that I want.
  • Specific

    I want to save for my first year of college this summer.