Globalization was more of a negative force on the world's development, resulting in a damaged environment and unsafe working conditions in clothing factories with underage children, similar to the...

  • Thesis Cont.

    affects globalization had on child labor and the environment in Myanmar.
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    Affects on the Environment

    Globalization has led to many damaging affects on the environment, especially the land. John Green, a well-known author, explained in a video about the affects of globalization, "...much more land has also been brought under cultivation in the past half century. Often this meant cutting down trees in valuable rain forests...we're losing land not just for food, but also to grow the global economy" (Green). Cultivation is process by which land is used for crops or gardening. By cultivating...
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    Affects on the Environment 2

    the land, deforestation is taking place. Deforestation is the process by which trees are cut down in a large portion of land. Trees clean the air and provide us with oxygen. For the global economy, humans are cutting down what is essential to live and in the process, we are ruining our environment.
  • Affects on the Environment

    Affects on the Environment
    Picture of deforestation.
  • Gap Clothing Factory in Cambodia 2

    Gap Clothing Factory in Cambodia 2
    globalized, they began to have factories in other countries. The Gap factory in Cambodia had child laborers, or children under the age of 18 working in factories, especially unauthorized places. The age verification was not checked thoroughly by Gap, enabling underage kids to work in unsafe factories.
  • Gap Clothing Factory in Cambodia

    Gap Clothing Factory in Cambodia
    Gap had several scandals over the past few decades, one of them being children working in Gap facilities in other countries. John Oliver, the host of Last Week Tonight, talked about globalization in the fashion industry. He explained, "Look at Gap...the BBC visited the factory making Gap clothing in Cambodia. We've been told there were some children here making clothes for Gap..." (Oliver). Globalization is the process by which industries operate at a worldwide scale. Gap became more...
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    Gap Factory Fire in Bangladesh

    A Gap factory fire broke out in 2010 in Bangladesh. John Oliver stated, " 2010 a fire broke out at a factory in Bangladesh that produced Gap clothing killing 29 workers" (Oliver). After the factory fire in Bangladesh, Gap released a statement explaining its new building and fire safety plan; however, in 2013 a women named Al-Jazeera discovered that there was not a single fire extinguisher to be found, no fire exits. The children were working in a shabby shack in a backyard. Although Gap...
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    Gap Factory Fire in Bangladesh 2

    issued a statement saying it would have safety checks, assuring the public that their factories were safe, it still managed to fall through in that aspect, having unsafe working conditions with child laborers.
  • Gap Factory Fire in Bangladesh

    Gap Factory Fire in Bangladesh
    Picture of the Gap Factory Fire in Bangladesh
  • Climate Change and the Use Non-renewable Resources

    Climate Change and the Use Non-renewable Resources
    Globalization has increased the revenue of humans over the past years; however, this came with many consequences. For instance, John Green stated, "Globalization has made the average human richer, and rich people tend to use more of everything but especially energy. This has resulted in climate change, which will likely accelerate" (Green). Now, resources are more affordable for the average human, we use more and more of what is hard to replace. For instance, non-renewable resources such...
  • Climate Change and the Use Non-renewable Resources 2

    Climate Change and the Use Non-renewable Resources 2
    as fossil fuels, are being used every day. Fossil fuels are extremely hard to replace. It took the Earth millions of years to form fossil fuels and humans burn through them in seconds. With this, cars emit carbon monoxide, which is harmful to the environment. Carbon levels and air pollution have increased and climate change has risen over the years. Climate change is the change in climate patterns within certain regions of the Earth. The acceleration of climate change has accelerated...
  • Climate Change and the Use Non-renewable Resources 3

    Climate Change and the Use Non-renewable Resources 3
    immensely and would not only affect climate patterns, but threaten marine life, cause rising ocean levels, and the melting of glaciers. These are deadly to our environment and would change the world negatively.