
global warming

  • First world climate conference

    First world climate conference
    Conference on Global Warming and
    how this could affect the
    human activity.
  • Creation under the patronage of the ONU

    Creation under the patronage of the ONU
    on Climate Change (
    in charge of evaluating
    scientific knowledge about
    climate change
  • Summit of the Earth

    Summit of the Earth
    Launches a call for
    a voluntary drafting of the
    greenhouse gas emissions
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    Imposes the countries
    industrialized companies to reduce their
    Greenhouse gas emissions
    greenhouse by 5.2% in relation to
    until 1990.
  • The implementation of creating carbon markets

    The implementation of creating carbon markets
    The implementation of creating
    carbon markets
  • C02 emitter

    C02 emitter
    China replaces states
    United as the main emitter of C02
    of the planet
  • Fourth IPCC report declares

    Fourth IPCC report declares
    multiplication of phenomena
    extremes and raising the level of
    the oceans of several dozen
    centimeters before the end of the century.
  • COP21 in paris manages to bring together 196 parties

    COP21 in paris manages to bring together 196 parties
    They get the historical challenge of putting a
    objective and a timetable to combat climate change by reducing gas emissions with
    greenhouse effect.
  • The global average temperature of the earth's

    The global average temperature of the earth's
    Surface has risen by almost 1 degree since the middle of the last century due to excess greenhouse gases, which is damaging both our ecosystems and our ways of life.