Sarajevo Attack
World tensions caused the Sarajevo Attack in which Archduke Ferdinal was killed. -
First World War
The Sarajevo attack caused the first world war in which millions of people died, resulting in allies as winners. -
Due to the disagreement of the German people Hitler came to power with expansionist policies -
Germany against Poland
As part of its expansionist policy, Germany invades Poland -
World War II
The invasion of Poland by the Nazis caused the start of the Second World War which would last six years and take millions of lives.
1939-1945 -
New world powers
At the end of the Second World War, the USA and the USSR became the potentials of the world being a socialist and another capitalist. -
Cold War
A kind of political and economic career called Cold War between the USA and the USSR was generated due to its contrast of ideas -
European Economy unify
United Kingdom, wanted to enter the European Economic Community, but the president of France Charles de Gaulle rejects it. -
Two Markets
The United Kingdom, with the European conservative Edward Heath, enters the EEC. The country is divided in two markets (common anti-market and common pro-market). -
European Community
The Nation Held referendum on the question “Do you think that UK should stay in the European Community?” 67% voted YES. -
UK giving more than receiving
The first minister, complain about UK was giving more than was receiving, he said in a speech the famous sentence “I want my money back” -
British Check
The first minister achieves famous British check, which turns the French and Germans into the main contributors to the community budget. -
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev proclaimed new policies when he saw that the USSR was dismantling -
Russia Fails
After 45 years socialism in Russia fails giving rise to the United States as the only superpower -
Better Economy
Was founded the Europe Union with the idea to have a better economy and reduce the risk of another world war. -
Afghanistan invasion
With the intention of eliminating terrorism USA and UK invade Afghanistan ,which caused resentment of certain ethnic groups. -
The first minister offered a referendum about a membership to the E.U. to appease the “Eurosceptic” element of the Conservative Party (which had opposed the E.U.) -
No more refugees
The UK´s habitants they didn't agree about receive more refugees from North Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe. -
No more EU for United Kingdom
Approximately 17 million people voted to leave the EU. Then, in an electoral participation, around 52% of those who voted wanted to leave the EU. -
The UK get a deal with the EU. It covers how much money the UK owes the EU an estimated £39 and what happens to the citizens. -
Conclusion 1/2
Since time is immemorial people think of their individual property rather than the others, which generates disputes between different social groups, therefore the rejection of those not belonging to your society is imminent. -
Conclusion 2/2
This apply the same to the people of the United Kingdom that manifest a negative thought towards the foreigner and despite the fact that in several cases people from another country are bad this does not mean that it always applies, however the British cancel all opportunity for those with a good heart because this is imposed from their roots, therefore I consider that the mentality of rejection towards others that was generated by the constant wars is the main reason why Brexit was accepted.