Gisela's Jewish Growth Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born to an Ashkenazi family from Germany and Austria. My grandparents were WWII refugees.
  • Kinderland

    Simply put, the best Jewish summer sleep-away camp ever. I'd say it was the first time that I really felt a strong understanding of what it means to be part of the Jewish community outside of religious practice of any sort. I returned every year since until I was 15.
  • Move to Sao Paulo

    Move to Sao Paulo
    Biggest city in Brazil, home to the second largest Jewish population of South America (first being Buenos Aires, Argentina).
  • Congregacao Israelita Paulista

    Congregacao Israelita Paulista
    We joined CIP, one of Brazil's leading congregations. At the time, it was massorti/conservative. Nowadays, it is somewhere in the middle, serving also reform/progressive Jews.
  • Bat Mitzvah

    Bat Mitzvah
  • Leadership course at CIP

    After bat/bar mitzvah, students begin leadership courses at CIP (Sao Paulo Jewish Congregation) to prepare them to be summer camp leaders and even teachers at Hebrew school.
  • CIP's sleep-away camp

    CIP's sleep-away camp
    I also started going to CIP (Sao Paulo Jewish Congregation) sleep-away camp during the winter break, which is one month lonog in Brazil.
  • First trip to Israel

    First trip to Israel
    I have a huge family in Israel. In 1987, I spent some two months on my own (without my parents) with cousins, uncles, and great-uncles and aunts. It was an experience that changed my life. I fell in love with Israel.
  • Second trip to Israel

    Second trip to Israel
    My cousin Udi in Regba got married to Miriam. My mother and I flew over. We spent a month over there and I came back talking about joining the army and so on.
  • Started university in Sao Paulo - Journalism

    Started university in Sao Paulo - Journalism
    Although my plan was to leave for Israel, my parents convinced me to do at least one year of college.
  • Ulpan Kibbutz Mizra

    Arrived in Kibbutz Mizra for a 6-month ulpan. The only way to convince my parents was to promise that I would at least learn a new language.
  • Moved to Tel Aviv

    Moved to Tel Aviv
    After 1 year in Kibbutz Mizra, moved to Tel Aviv. Found work and led a "Mediterranean" lifestyle...
  • Moved to California

    Finished Journalism in California, found part-time jobs teaching Hebrew in synagogue schools.
  • Started teaching at JPDS

    Started teaching at JPDS
    Began teaching at the Jewish Primary Day School in Washington, DC.
  • Shoshana Sfarzada - My Mentor

    Shoshana was, and in many ways will always be, my mentor. Shoshana taught me that teaching is not only curriculum-based. It is a holistic experience that needs to reflect the whole person. She also guided me through workplace politics, self-advocating, professional and personal development, and more. There are many educators who had an impact on me, but this educator of educators stands apart.
  • Met Tomer

    Met Tomer
    Met my husband Tomer while he was posted in Washington DC with the Israeli embassy.
  • My son Ariel was born

    My son Ariel was born
  • Started my MJEd at Hebrew College