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Gifted Education History

By bpearls
  • "Hereditary Genius"

    "Hereditary Genius"
    Francis Galton completes a study that focuses on how genetics are tied to intelligence and publishes “Hereditary Genius”. This event is significant because it simply got people thinking about what they didn’t know was giftedness. It put the idea in their brains and maybe got them wondering where intelligence derives from and why.
  • Binet & Simon

    Binet & Simon
    French researchers Binet and Simon create a test series that measures their psychological ability. The purpose of these tests was to identify gifted children and separate them in schools in order to better their education. This was the first test used for the intentions we still have today! How gifted they were to realize that students of higher intelligences needed more than a general education. The tests measured children’s verbal and memorization abilities.
  • Goddard Brings Test to U.S.

    Goddard Brings Test to U.S.
    Henry Goddard brings the Binet-Simon tests back to the United States. Now the movement was happening in America, too. The test was adapted and many of its ideals are still used in qualification measurement today!
  • Special Opportunity Class

    Special Opportunity Class
    Leta S. Hollingworth began a special opportunity class at P.S. 165 in New York which marked the beginning of her extensive studies on gifted students and their education.
  • The First Gifted Ed.Textbook

    The First Gifted Ed.Textbook
    Leta Hollingworth published the first textbook on gifted education called “Gifted Child: Their Nature and Nurture”. This is significant because it was the first publication with the intent of educating teachers on the ideology and beliefs that far of gifted children and education.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first earth satellite. This hugely influenced American legislators and citizens’ interest in education and its quality. I believe this gave all Americans a reason to care about not only education but gifted education because Sputnik called for a competition that required high intelligence.
  • A Nation at Risk

    A Nation at Risk
    A Nation at Risk publishes U.S. most intelligent children’s scores compared to those of other nations and American scores were significantly lower. This again sparked the public and legislators passion for competition and therefore gifted education.
  • Gifted Standards

    Gifted Standards
    The first ever gifted standards are published in the U.S. by NAGC which includes 7 major areas for pre-K-grade 12. The standards were revised in 2012.