First School for Gifted
William Torrey Harris was a great educator and philosopher who opened a public school that educates gifted students in St. Louis, Missouri. This was considered to be one of the early movements in the U.S. for gifted education. -
Benet-Simon Test Developed
French researchers developed a series of test that identify gifted students. The test was formed to measure intelligence of children in accordance to their age. -
Lewis E. Terman
In the 1920's, Lewis E. Terman started a great study with 1500 students and looked at their ability levels. He looked for children wth an IQ of at least 135. This was one of the greatest studies of children in gifted education. -
Sputnik 1 Launched
History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I. This changed the U.S. to put more effort into gifted education. The United States wanted to more of an emphasis on math, science and technology. This was great for gifted programs to get receive more funding. -
Standards are Written
The first set of standards were developed to guide gifted education and educators. This focused on 7 key areas at the time in which they have currently been modified to 6. Which now include learning and development, assessment, curriculum planning,nd instruction, learning environments, programming, and professional development. This gave a good structure for schools to follow and be sucessful. -
Definition modified for gifted students
In 2002, the definition of gifted students has been modified. It is now looked at a broader spectum. This includes higher achievement capability in artistic creativity, academics, and leadership.