Getting into the healthcare field/ mecical school

  • 20


    I have saved up enough money so that I can just relax and have no worries!!
  • Have a solid gpa and science

    I should do as many science classes that I can and work hard to achieve my goal.
  • Apply to many universities early

    Like the old saying the early bird gets the worm. I should work on my timing with things. I should not let one things take over an hour.
  • Get recommendation from teachers and others that have seen me work hard

    I should work hard in school to make my feel that I am worthy of getting recommended to universities
  • Get accepted

    Work hard to show that I am worthy in being in this field.
  • Have my dream job in the health field

    Keep working hard to show that their decision on choosing me was not a mistake
  • Save up money for retirement

    Financial is key write down my goals that I want to build up to
  • Do things I always wanted to do

    Plan out where or what I want to do and enjoy since I worked hard for it