Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Period: to
Laws and Events
Jewish lawyers can no longer practice in Berlin.
First concentration camp established at Dachau, Germany for political opponents
Nazis organize nationwide boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Germany.
Jewish teachers may be discharged
Fiest anti-Jewish laws passed. They are no longer allowed to be public employees.
Jews expelled from sports clubs
Nazis burn books of those considered to be un-German.
Jews no longer allowed to use beach in Wannsee.
Jewish actorsactresses could no longer perform
Jewish writers no longer allowed to write. March 1935
Nazi government declare "racial laws" forbidding Jews and non-Jews to get married.
Marriages between German blood and Jews punishable with prison.
If you were born Jewish, you were always going to be Jewish, no matter what.
Aug. 1-16 summer olympics were held in Berlin, Germany. Nazis remove anti-Jew signs and restrain anti-Jewish activities to avoid national criticism.
Jews were not allowed to graduate.
Mar. 12-13 Germany annexes Austria
Streets with Jewsih names had to be renamed.
November 9-10: Kristallnacht happens (Night of Broken Glass)
Jewish employees may be discharged without notice or benefits.
Jews not allowed to go to movies, operas, and concerts
Jewish children no longer allowed to attent public schools.
Jews not allowed to use swimming pools
Jews not allowed to take valuables when emigrating
Jews can be thrown out of their homes without notice or compensation and placed in appointed "Jew Homes"
German troops invade Polland, beginning WW2.
Jews not allowed to leave their homes after 8:00pm; 9:00pm in the summer.
Jews turn in radios
Nazi government begins program to kill all mentally and physically disabled people in a "euthanasia" program known as the T-4 Program.
German authorities begin forced deporttion of Jews from West Prussia, Danzig, and Lodz
Jews not eligible for clothig rations
German troops invade the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.
All Jews have to perform forced labor
Summer and Fall German mobile killing squads, Einsatzgruppen, were assigned to identify, concentrate, and kill Jews behind the front lines
German troops invade the Soviet Union.
Jews over age of six had to wear yellow star with word "Jew"
Jews over age of ^ had to wear yellow Star of David i public at all times.
Deportation of Jews from Germany to the ghettos of Loda, Riga, and Minsk begins.
Jews no longer allowed to emigrate.
Gassing operations began at the Chelmno killing center.
Jews not allowed to use public telephones.
Nazi officials meet in Wannsee to organize the "Final Solution" (mass killing of Jews in Europe)
Jews not allowed to purchase newspapers or magazines.
Jewish homes must display "Jewish Star"
Jews have to turn in electrical appliances, bicycles, typewriters, and records.
Jews can't obtain eggs with ration cards.
Can not get milk.
First direct deportation to Auschwits
Jews not allowed to buy books.