Germany's Becoming A Nazi Dictatorship

  • Germany's Military Leaders Changed

    Germany's military leaders changed as they were blamed for the nation's defeat and humiliation of a previous battle.
  • President Hitler

    In 1921 Hitler had become Germany's first-ever president.
  • Basic Ideas of Nazi Ideology Formed

    • only the strong survive
    • the hated communism is regarded as a Jewish ideology
    • the Germanic master race must defeat its racial enemies,
    especially the Jews
    • Germany must gain Lebensraum (living room) for its
    expanding population by taking land from non-Aryan
    • the Führerprinzip (leader principle) dictates that all
    opposition must be crushed and there must be total obedience to the leader.
  • Hitler Youth Founded

    The Hitler Youth was founded in 1926 to indoctrinate young Germans.
  • New Head of Nazi Propaganda Unit

    Joseph Goebbels was appointed to head the Nazi propaganda unit in 1929. He organised the party’s election campaigns and won over many middle-class voters, who turned from other conservative parties to the Nazis out of fear of communism.
  • Nazis Controlled German Life

    • Trade unions were abolished and the German Labour
    The front was established to control workers.
    • ‘Un-German’ books were publicly burned.
    • Like the Communist Party, the SPD was banned
    • German communists, socialists and other anti-Nazis were sent to concentration camps.
    • Education was made a tool of Nazi propaganda.
    • The Nazis organised attacks against Jews and
    Jewish property and a boycott of Jewish businesses, and banned Jews from the civil service and professions.
  • Nazi Force

    Hitler used the other Nazi paramilitary force, the SS, to murder around 180 leading SA members and more than 200 other political opponents. To justify this, Hitler claimed that the SA was planning an uprising.