Versailles signed evening world dbloc 962px

Germany between wars

  • Treaty of Bret Litovisk

    Treaty of Bret Litovisk
    This was a peace treaty between Russia and Germany
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty starts a series of conflicts that leads to World War 2
  • Period: to


  • German leader began drafting a constitution in the City of Weimar

    This constitution created a government known as the Weimar Republic. It set up a parliamentary system led by a Chancellor. This also gave women the right to vote and included a bill of rights.
  • U.S. Peace Treaty with Germany

    U.S. Peace Treaty with Germany
    This was a treaty signed to restore friendly relations between two nations
  • Germans fall behind in reparations

    During this time France occupied the coal-rich Ruhr Valley. Ruhr Germans started to resistance France, and began refusing to work. To support them the government printed huge amounts of paper money. This set of inflation. The german mark almost lost it's value.
  • Hitler was arrested.

    Hitler was arrested.
    He was found guilty of treason. While he was in prison he wrote Mein Kamphf.
  • A plan to reduce German reparations was made.

    The U.S. gained British and French approval to reduce German reparations or payments.
  • Wall street crash

    Wall street crash
    Hitler used this event to put out propoganda that blamed the Weimar Republic for basically everything.
  • The great depression

    The great depression
    The great depression hurt so many German citizens that it caused most of them to ditch regular political parties and looked for more extreme mesures, like Hitler.
  • Hitler was declared chancellor

    Hitler was declared chancellor
    Hitler becoming chancellor was a huge part in him gainning absolute authority.
  • The Nuremberg Laws were placed

    The Nuremberg Laws were placed
    This placed severe restictions on Jews. They were not allowed to marry non Jews, attend or teach at German schools, hold governemt jobs, ect.
  • A young Jew shot and wounded a german diplomat

    A young Jew shot and wounded a german diplomat
    A young jew, whose parents were mistreated in Germany shot and wounded a german diplomat in Paris. Hitler used this incident as an excuse to stage an attack on all jews
  • Night of broken glass

    Night of broken glass
    Nazi- led mobs attacked Jewish communities all over geamrny shouting, "Revenge for Paris! Down with the jews." They smashed windows, looted shops, and burned synagogues.Many jews were dragged from their homes and beaten in the streets.