Germany and International relations

  • End of world war 1

    End of world war 1
    On November 11, 1918 at 11am the first world war came to a end.
  • Spartacist uprising

    Spartacist uprising
    The Spartacist were trying to over throw the Weimar Republic because the Spartacist wanted Germany to be all the same.
  • The treaty of versailles

    The treaty of versailles
    George Clemenceau, David lloyd George and Woodrow Wilson came together make a treaty and stop another world war.
  • kaiser wilhelm abdicated

    kaiser wilhelm abdicated
    Kaiser abdicated form being empair of Germany
  • kapp putsch

    kapp putsch
    Wolfgang kapp lead the kapp putsch and it's aim was to undo what Germany did in 1918.
  • Hyperinflation

    From June 1921 to January 1924 hyperinflation happened because Germany was printing money to pay of the reparation then money became warless.
  • Ruhr crisis

    Ruhr crisis
    French army go's to Ruhr and took all of the good because Germany missed a payment
  • Munich Putsh

    Munich Putsh
    From 8 of November to the 9 of November 1923 Hitler assbels his SA the stormed into a hall and Hitler pointed a gun at Knar then let him go home then 6 Nazis got killed and Hitler got arrested.
  • Golden years

    Golden years
    From 1924 to 1929 the golden years happened. After Stresemann stop hyperinflation Germany was safe and well until the wall street crash.
  • Germany joins the league of nations

    Germany joins the league of nations
    Germany join the peace keepers.
  • wall street crash

    wall street crash
    when the wall street crash happened USA wanted their loans back and this put Germany in crisis
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Von papen said to Hindenburg hat Hitler could be controlled so Hindenburg made Hitler chancellor
  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag Fire
    At 21:27 the dome of the Reichstag exploded in a ball of flames. van de lubbe was put on trial in July 1933 along with four other communists. von de lubbe was found guilty and the other 4 communists was found innocent.
  • Dachau concentration camp

    Dachau concentration camp
    The Nazis opened the Dachau concentration camp near Munich.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    After Hitler came to power as Chancellor he passed the Enabling act giving Hitler dictatorial powers.
  • Holocaust

    form 1933 to 1945 the Nazis mass killing of 6 million Jews took place by taken them to contrition camps to be killed or worked to death.
  • The night of the long knives

    The night of the long knives
    Hitler killed the SA because the SA was becoming harder to control and if he killed the SA he would get the trust of the German army.
  • Olympic games

    Olympic games
    the Olympic games came to Berlin. This help Hilter try and show that Germay was better than the rest of the world.
  • Kristalnacht

    On November 9 to novermber 10, 1938 the Nazis destroyed Jewish businesses, schools, homes and almost killed 100 Jews.
  • Start of world war 2

    Start of world war 2
    On September the 1 1939 the second world war happened the war that the league of nations tried to stop and the war that people feared
  • End of world war 2

    End of world war 2
    On the 2 of September 1945 after 6 years of war the second world war finally came to a end
  • Nuremburg Trials

    Nuremburg Trials
    people all around the world cam together to decide the Nazis fate and in the end 10 Nazis were huge, Nazis leaders where guilty of war crimes and the Nazis party was made illegal.